Local Awareness Meetings Launched in İzmir, UTAEM

23.05.2023 / View : 146 / Archive

The first of the meetings aimed at raising the awareness of pioneer farmers and local farmer organizations planned, in 25 river basins within the scope of the Project of Protecting Water against Agricultural Pollution by Establishing a Monitoring and Reporting Methodology for Nitrate Action Plans, was held at UTAEM on May 18, 2023 with 200 participants.

During the event, farmers and local farmer organizations from the region were informed about their roles and responsibilities in implementing Nitrate Action Plans and good agricultural practices.

At the project meeting carried out under the coordination of the Department of Agricultural Environment and Natural Resources Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, comprehensive presentations on the project were instructed by the project experts and academics, and important technical information was relayed on nitrate action plans and good agricultural practices.