Farmer and Land User Meeting of Roadmap for Carbon Farming Schemes (Road4Schemes) Project

26.01.2023 / View : 22 / Archive
Funded by European Union and General Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry AB Horizon 2020 European Joint Programme Cofund on Agricultural Soil Management, 2. Call, Farmer and Land User Meeting of Roadmap for Carbon Farming Schemes (Road4Schemes) Project was held in our Directorate on 19 January 2023, with 14 farmers and land users, with the contribution of Training and Extension Department of our center. Within the framework of meeting, Internal Coordinator Ülfet ERDAL made a presentation for Farmers and Land Users on Carbon Farming concept and how result-based, action-based and hybrid-based Carbon Farming Schemes are structured. Then, defined ‘Group Discussion Activity’ was organized with potential future farmers and land users of Carbon Farming at regional level. Perspective of farmers and land users on Carbon Farming and Carbon Farming Schemes was identified through the exchange of ideas. Project team (Ülfet ERDAL, Tuncay TOPDEMİR, Dr. Nejat ÖZDEN, Ömer SÖKMEN) demonstrated CO2 emission measurements in the field and provided them some technical instructions.