Stakeholders’ Meeting of Roadmap for Carbon Farming Schemes (Road4Schemes) Project

26.01.2023 / View : 150 / Archive
Funded by European Union and General Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry AB Horizon 2020 European Joint Programme Cofund on Agricultural Soil Management, 2. Call, Roadmap for Carbon Farming Schemes (Road4Schemes) Project Stakeholders’ Meeting was held in our Directorate on 20 January 2023, with 29 stakeholders, with the contribution of Training and Extension Department of our center. Within the scope of meeting, Internal Coordinator Ülfet ERDAL made a presentation for Stakeholders on ‘Carbon Farming Concept’ and implementation of ‘Carbon Farming Schemes’. Through the defined ‘Group Discussion Activity’, the ideas of Stakeholders and their reflections regarding opportunities and barriers for the implementation of result-based Carbon Farming were identified. Stakeholders and project team had a joint lunch and carried on their discussions. Due to adverse weather conditions, scheduled CO2 emission demonstration in the field altered with a brief introduction on CO2 emission device providing technical instructions by Project team (Ülfet ERDAL, Tuncay TOPDEMİR, Dr. Nejat ÖZDEN, Ömer SÖKMEN) in the meeting room. 