DG of TAGEM closed the session of 10th International Training on Integrated Pest Management

14.10.2022 / View : 234 / Archive

“10th International Training on Integrated Pest Management and Alternative Methods to Reduce Pesticide Use" was organized between 10-14 October 2022 as the last course of the international training courses that are held and coordinated by UTAEM within TAGEM so as to share technical know-how and experiences of institutes under TAGEM.

19 participants from 10 countries (Pakistan, Algeria, Sudan, India, North Macedonia, Tunisia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Morocco, and Niger) attended to course and experts and researchers from Bornova Plant Protection Institute made presentations including but not limited to resistance management of pesticides, reduction of pesticide usage and alternative methods under the scope of integrated pest management principles.

During a technical tour to the orchard of Mr. Salih Yumurtacı in Seferihisar district, participants had a chance to observe function of traps against fruit flies. Also, they visited Bornova Plant Protection Research Institute and were briefed about the activities and laboratories of that Institute.

Mr. Metin TURKER, Directorate General for TAGEM, and Head of Soil and Water Resources Research Department Dr. Ali PEKSÜSLÜ participated in the closing ceremony of the course and gave brief information about the activities of TAGEM and wished success to the participants for their activities and projects.