6.03.2020 / View : 776 / Archive

Uzbekistan Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mr. Olim Batirovich ISAYEV, Özagrokimyohimoya Deputy Chairman Mr. Botir Ergashevich DADABAEV, Özagrokimyohimoya Head of Department Mr. Khakim Sharipovich ELMANOV, Head of Soil Classification Department Mr. Abuvokhid Abdurakhmonovich TOSHMURATOV, Ozagrokimyohimoya Consultant, Mr. Muhammet Sedat KOLCUOGLU,  and EU Foreign Relations Specialist Mr. Mustafa UZ and TAGEM Head of Soil-Water Resources Research Department Dr.Bülent SÖNMEZ visited our Institute on March 3, 2020.

Our Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aynur ÖZBAHÇE made an information presentation on the activities of the Institute. After lunch, the delegation visited the Institute laboratories and Microbial Fertilizer Research, Technology Development and Culture Collection Center, and received detailed information about the works. At the end of the program, Mr. ISAYEV and Mr.MİRMAHMUTOĞULLARI signed the guest book of our Institute and presented a plaque to our Institute Director.

During the visit, the mutual cooperation opportunities were discussed with the delegation, who were extremely satisfied with the work of our Institute.

We would like to thank to Mr. ISAYEV and his accompanying delegation, Mr. Vedat MİRMAHMUTOĞULLARI and Dr. Bülent SÖNMEZ for visiting our Institute.