• Water Quality, Saline and Alkaline Soils
  • Soil Microbiology
  • Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
  • Statistics and Economics
  • Farmer Brochures:

- Taking Samples for Soil, Water, and Plant Analysis

- How to Take Soil Samples

  • Other Technical Publications
  • Guides
  • Halophytes (Salt-Tolerant Plants)

Soil, Water, and Environmental Terminology Dictionary (Available for Purchase)

Phytoremediation Techniques (Available for Purchase)

Within ​the scope of the "Productivity Project Awards" traditionally organized by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, our Institute received the "2017 Productivity Project Incentive Award" in the public category with its project titled "National Quality Movement on the Path to Corporate Excellence".​

Our Protecting My Future Social Responsibility Project received the "Corporate Project Special Award" in the "Sustainability" theme at EXPO 2016.

In 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry awarded t​he "Competence Award" in the category of "suitability of technical, physical and administrative infrastructure" of the institutes.

"Main Sponsorship Award" was given to the International A​VRASIA Natural Nutrition and Healthy Living Summit held on July 12-15, 2018.​

The Central Research Institute of Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources was officially accepted to the "Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN" system on behalf of our country as of the end of March 2018.

Under the TS EN ISO/IEC 17043 standard, accreditation has been granted with accreditation number AB-0014-YT.​

Under the scope of the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, 39 analysis methods have been accredited for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories according to general standards.​

Microbial Fertilizer Producer Certificate​

Microbial Products Registration Certificate


Microbial Products Registration Certificate


Microbial Products Registration Certificate


Microbial Products Registration Certificate
