Soil, Fertilizer Resources Research Institute
was established on March 1, 1954, under the provisions of the Ministry of
Agriculture's Law No. 3203 on organization and duties, is a national
specialized institute affiliated with the General Directorate of Agricultural
Affairs. Its purpose is to conduct studies on the study, classification, and
mapping of Turkish soils; soil, fertilizer, water, and plant analyses;
determination of suitability levels of soils for irrigation and their
improvement in terms of salinity, alkalinity, and reclamation; and conservation
of soil fertility and its optimal utilization. The institute is located in

In accordance with Article 2 of Law number 7454, the Institute which was embodied in the General Directorate of Soil-Water, had taken the task of Soil Survey and Mapping in Turkey and had continued to carry out its duties from its establishment until May 1961. According to Article 3 of Decree No. 613349 dated July 16, 1964, regarding the transfer of the General Directorate of Soil and Water to the Ministry of Village Affairs, it was subsequently transferred back to the General Directorate of Agricultural Affairs under the Ministry of Agriculture. Additionally, by decision of the Council of Ministers on May 18, 1970, numbered 7/691, the Institute was once again placed under the umbrella of the General Directorate of Soil and Water.
As a result of the restructuring of ministries in 1984, the Institute continued its activities under the General Directorate of Rural Services, which was established under Law No. 3202 within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Affairs. It remained under the Prime Ministry's authority following the Presidential Approval dated July 7, 1993, numbered 39-08/D-1-93-335. Subsequently, starting from 2003, it became affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. This affiliation lasted until March 16, 2005, when the Institute operated under the General Directorate of Rural Services.
According to Law No. 5286, which was passed on January 13, 2005, the Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute Directorate, which was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on March 16, 2005, was subsequently attached to the General Directorate of Agricultural Research by the Ministry's decree dated April 11, 2005.
The Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute was merged with the Ankara Soil and Water Resources Research Institute on 28/03/2007, according to Ministerial Decree No. 256. Then, on 09/04/2007, through Ministerial Decree No. 285, it was transformed into the Central Research Institute and took on the name Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute Directorate.