Established in year 1924.
2 personnels with Assoc. Prof degree, 18 personnels with Dr. degree, 7 personnel with Veterinarian degree, 34 personnels with MsC Agri Engineer degree, 120 workers, 75 temporary workers are currently working in Institute in year 2015.
46 registered field crop varieties.
49 ongoing Project
X completed Project.
700 hectar irrigatable fields.
2 facilities in 2 different locations in Cukurova Delta.
Active in 8 provinces in East Mediterranean Region of Turkey.
1 Biotechnology laboratory
1 Embryo Transfer Laboratory
1 Food Laboratory
1 Animal Husbandary Unit with capacity of 1250 cows.
1 Feed Preparing Unit.
1 Milking Unit with capacity of 32 cows
2015 Budget is x million EUR
Established X field trial in year 2015