The main purpose of the Plant Health Department is to diagnose pests and diseases that cause losses in plant production in the region, and to conduct research on alternative control methods. The research topics of the department are the development of plants resistant to diseases and pests, and biological control.
"Seed Health Laboratory" continues its activities in the department. The seed health laboratory was established within BDUTAE with the support of IWWIP (International Winter Wheat Improvement Program) and ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Area). The purpose of establishing the laboratory is to ensure safety in preventing the spread of diseases and pests that may arise from the exchange of wheat germ materials used in scientific research, both within the borders of the country and internationally.
1. To research and develop projects on plant breeding resistant to diseases and pests that pose a problem in plant production in the region.
2. Research and develop projects on alternative control issues against diseases and pests that pose a problem in plant production in the region.
3. It is the main duty of the department to diagnose the disease/pest that is a problem in plant production in the region and to inform the producer about the subject.