Egirdir and Kovada Lake Determination of Domestic and Agricultural Wastes and Development of Policies for Pollution Prevention Project Training Activities Completed.

26.04.2019 / View : 640 / Archive

The training program completed within the scope of the "Developing Policies for Determination of Domestic and Agricultural Wastes and Pollution Prevention" project conducted by Egirdir Fisheries Research Institute was completed. Within the scope of the project carried out in partnership with the West Mediterranean Development Agency and our institution, training activities were completed on April 26, 2019 in the meeting hall of our Institution and in the village of Eğirdir Mahmatlar.

The opening speeches of the intensive training sessions were given by Fuat BILGIN, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Assistant Technical Director of the Institute, Egirdir Mahmatlar. Cafer BULUT performed. Afterwards, information was given to the local people accompanied by educational presentations on the subject. Training materials were distributed to the participants.