R&D Studies and Outcomes

30.09.2015 / View : 1880 / Archive

From the time that the research studies started till the end of 2013, 375 researches studied in total were concluded in Alata HRS. 214 of these studies were belonging to Alata and 161 of them were to Tarsus. The outcomes of the studies became available for farmers especially living in East Mediterranean Region and Country.

The studies carried out by the station staff are generally require time and effort. Especially breeding studies concluded with new specie and variety available for production. With breeding studies;

*3 pepper, 1 garlic, 6 beans, 2 lettuces, 2 summer squash varieties were registered. 

*5 apricot varieties were improved by hybridization and introduced to local producers.

* 13 pomegranate varieties were registered in our institute which is the first facility starting pomegranate selection in Turkey.

*Anamur and Erdemli banana varieties, Alanya carob variety were registered.

*Early matured lemon variety Eylül improved by mutation breeding, and also seedless lemon varieties of Alata, Gülşen and Uzun were improved and registered.

*Toros Kırmızısı and Sarıca mandarin varieties improved by clonal selection and Lamas, Yediveren; Enter and Erdemli33 lemon varieties were registered and introduced to local farmers.

*As a result of the studies maintained in our station, many new species and varieties, new growing and nursery techniques were introduced to the growers in the region. East Mediterranean region became a citrus seedling production center because of such studies of our station. Besides three commercial pomegranate varieties; Hicaz, Katırbaşı and Çekirdeksiz were selected by selection studies in Alata HRS. Many orchards have been established after adaptation studies of avocado and loquat.

*New technologies were introduced to producers after research studies on greenhouse cultivation and protective cover.  Considering such introductions tomato production improved rapidly in our region (especially in Erdemli district of Mersin).


            With the studies led by our station;

  • Strawberry farming has entered into in Anamur and Silifke districts,
  • Cherry and peach farming started in highland areas,
  • Pistachio growing started and widen in Silifke district grafting on Pistacia terebinthus by Alata. Nowadays 500 tons of pistachios cultivated from 400.000 trees.
  • Forced crop production of apricot and its nursery became widespread in Mut district and some other districts available for apricot growing. Apricot production increased from 10.000 tons to 130.000 tons per year.


*Alata HRS made a major contribution to the improvement of ornamental production sector especially for knowledge and breeding material supply.

*A national congress 'IV. Ornamental Plant Congress' was arranged for the first time by Alata institute in 2010.

*Many advices about fertilizer usage to avoid excessive fertilizer, irrigation and water use were given by Alata HRS to local farmers. Recommendation supported National economy by preventing excessive and intensive fertilizer usage. Other facilities which authorized for fertilizer analyses by the Ministry, are also contributing farming in Mediterranean region

Our institute is the only research center for apiculture research studies, apiculture education and queen breeding in Mediterranean region. There are also education programs for farmers and technical staff of provincial directorates on apiculture.

The biotechnology lab received the certificate of authority for genetic analyses in 2011. Since 2011, there has been an analysis for the determination seed and seedling disorder in Biotechnology Lab.

The tissue culture lab staff worked intensively as a support for research studies in 2013. The study results coming from both laboratories published both in national and international publications and symposiums. The laboratories were also used for training of ministry staff, university/ highschool students and farmers.

The Alata HRS researchers participated many national and international symposiums with their oral presentations and/or posters in 2013.