Biotechnology Laboratory

The Alata Horticultural Research Institute Directorate, the Biotechnology Laboratory has been providing support and service to the R&D studies carried out by our institution since 2013. In the Biotechnology Laboratory of our Institute, mainly molecular genetic studies are carried out. In our laboratory, 4 -80°C deep freezers, 2 -20°C deep freezers, 1 refrigerator, 4 Thermal Cycler, 1 x Real-Time PCR, 1 x Fragment Analyzer, 1 Nano-drop There are Spectrophotometer, 1 Roller Press Tissue Shredder, 3 Microcentrifuge, 1 Refrigerated Centrifuge, 2 DNA Gel Imaging Devices, 4 Electrophoresis Tanks, 1 Flowcytometer Device.

Characterization and kinship determination between plants in the Biotechnology Laboratory to Public Institutions and private sector organizations.


*Detection of Pathogens (Virus, bacteria, etc.)

*Genetically modified organisms

* Establishment of Molecular Genetic Maps in Plants

*Defining Types and Types

*Determination of Kinship Relationships

* Population Genetic Analysis

*Detection of Mutations...

The contribution to our country can be briefly summarized as follows.

* Establishing a garden plants DNA bank,

*Recording genetic characteristics of varieties,

* Preventing repetitive studies, wasting money and time by making use of the data bank,

* Thus, saving space, labor and maintenance costs,

*As a result of all these, the breeding process and costs are significantly reduced and more effective breeding programs are created.