Soil Analysis Laboratory

The aim of agricultural activity is to obtain high and quality yields. This contributes greatly to both the economic development of the farmer family and the country's economy.

It is necessary to reliably determine the amount of plant nutrients available in the soil and their level of availability to plants and make recommendations.

The valid way to increase agricultural production is to increase the amount of product to be taken from the unit area. This is possible through the proper and timely use of agricultural inputs such as fertilizer, water, seeds, medicines, etc. Studies conducted in various parts of our country show that the share of fertilizer in yield increase is generally greater than 50% (Kacar, 1994).

The studies illustrate that there is unconscious and excessive use of fertilizers that are not based on soil analysis, that is, more than necessary and one-way fertilizers are generally used. One-way and excessive use of fertilizers not only causes great economic losses and cost increases, but also causes soil-water and plant pollution, and directly affects human health as well as destroys nature. It is very important to establish the soil-plant-human health balance and the desired amount of product can be obtained from the unit area only with a sufficient and balanced fertilization.

In order to prevent excessive fertilization, it is a must to fertilize consciously and in accordance with the technique. For this, it is necessary to know the physical and chemical properties of the soil and its natural fertility. Soil samples should be taken according to determined criteria, and the samples taken will show the correct amount of fertilizer to use depending on the type of plant.

The laboratory, which is under the Alata Horticultural Research Institute Directorate, was established in 1977, and it was modernized in 2000 and expanded the scope of its studies.

It has been authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct Fertilizer Analyzes for fertilizer inspection with the communiqué published in the Official Gazette dated 7 March 2002 and numbered 24688. The laboratory is of high quality among the Laboratories within TAGEM with its usage area, infrastructure, and number of trained personnel.

Click to view or download the brochure on "Sampling Soil Analysis".

Analysis and Fees