It is a great pleasure and honor to invite you to I.International Livestock Science Congress will be held in Antalya/ Turkey, between 31.10.2019 and 02.11.2019. The meeting is where professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. As this conference deals with the basics concepts, students, delegates, academicians and business people can attend the conference to root up the knowledge and excel in this field.

International Center For Livestock Research and Training was established to study on angora goat breeding and improvement of mohair quality in 1931. The Institute started to research and development studies in livestock study field in 1951 within the Ministry and continues its studies in Breeding, Genetics, Animal Husbandry, Herd Management, Animal Production, Animal Nutrition, Animal Biotechnology, Embryo Production and Transfer, FrozenSemen Production and Artificial Insemination. International Center for Livestock Research Training continues to serve with new scientific studies focused on problem-solving for the livestock sector With its strong technological and personnel infrastructure.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15th of September.

Abstracts have to been submitted in Turkish or English untill 15th of September.

You can find the details on the poster. Your participation will be an honour for us.  

 Email for article submission: lalahanhmae@tarimorman.gov.tr