26.09.2014 / View : 101 / Archive

International mesopotamia agrıculture congress organized by our institute between 22-25 september 2014 in Diyarbakır has been held successfully.

Scientists , academicians and researchers from Turkey, Russia, Romania,Cyprus,Iraq,Iran,Jordan and Azerbaijan participated in the congress.

The minister of food,Agriculture and Livestock Ministry Mehmet Mehdi Eker, The governor of Diyarbakır Hüseyin Aksoy, the  Provincial security directorate Dr. Halis Böğürcü, Provincial chairman of AK ( justice and development party) party Diyarbakır Aydın Altaç, AK ( justice and development party) party deputies Cuma İçten, Kudbettin Arzu, Oya Eronat, Rector of Dicle University Dr. Ayşegül Jale Saraç and so many international participants participated in the congress.

The minister Eker  said: '' when we follow Dicle flowing we reach to Kortik Hill determined by archaeologists recently. In this area people produced 12 500 years ago. People settled. And this is known by not only people of Diyarbakır. All  literature and referances related to the topic tell the same. This is the first time we have organized an international agriculture congress. I hope this will not be the last one. This congress having continued for 3 days with so many international participants will be developed and repeated at intervals''

 After his speech the minister Eker presented the  certificates of participation to the participants. The Programme finished after the concert of the orchestra of Dicle University.