Department of Field Crops

DEPARTMENT MANAGER :  Ph.D. Murat KOÇ​​ (Agricultural Engineer)

Within the issues of cereals,industrial crops,food legumes ,medical aromatic crops and grass and pasture and forage plants Our responsibility is to;
  • Increase resistance to  disease,pest,negative environment conditions and quality of yield,line,new variety by breeding and cropping methods according to market needs,making research by using  new methods such as biotechnology
  • Register new varieties and lines resulted from breeding researches, to sustain breeding researches and to produce seed of developed varieties in a qualified level.
  • Alternative product research to increase crop varieties,
  • Collect and save vegetative genetic sources to save and sustain bio-diversity and cultivate if necessary,
  • Research field crop cultivation methods in cooperation.​
  •  Develop related Technologies and increase soil yield in agricultural production by taking  sustainability of soil resources into consideration.
  • Develop fertilizing techniques and research effects of  plant nutrients and soil regulator on yield and effects
  • Research organic agriculture and agricultural applications
  • Determine primary research topics and to coordinate integrated Project and publish at least one journal
  • Collect,keep,define,cultivate and use  bio-genetic resources in breeding programmes  to save bio-diversity and sustain usage of bio-diversity
  •  Observe vegetation of main plant groups and make suggestions to prevent probable crisis by preparing reports including yield estimation in development and harvest periods.
  • Publish research results in english and turkish and make researches for scifientific development of the institute in long period.
  • Duties assigned by the directorate. 

​​​​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Cool Climate Cereals
Warm Climate Cereals
Industrial Crops
Food Legumes
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants