

In departments of field crops,industrial plants,food legumes,medicine aromatic plants, grass-pasture and forage plants, fruit and vegetable growing,sericulture,viticulture,livestock ,biological variety and genetics resources,agricultural and mechanization,soil-water resources our responsibility of us is to ;

  • a) Study on integrated programs and projects and provide these projects every kind of technic and administrative support,
  • b) Research on increasing opportunities to use and determination of food nutritio​n values of the studies,
  • c) Research on organic agriculture and good agricultural practices,
  • d)Contribute to extension, demonstrations in farmer's conditions, organize common programs, coordinate with civil society organization (CSO), public and private organizations and province directorate to apply research results.
  • e) Organize national and international seminar, conference, symposium, congress, workshop, scientific meetings and training programs etc. in technical area,
  • f) Edit and publish research result reports done by the institute,
  • g)Cooperate and coordinate with international institutes, governmental and private sector and non-governmental organizations and conduct R&D studies, prepare, conduct and take place in research projects,
  • h)​Develop physical, human, financial and Project capacity of the institute and provide information Technologies,
  • i) Research on social-financial issues,
  • j) Study on cost of production and investment of agricultural products and issues they are responsible for,
  • k) Research on solutions by evaluating problems of manufacturers and application institutes,
  • l) Study on increasing activities of working capital fund of the institute,
  • m) Other tasks assigned by general directorate of agricultural research and policy


In departments of field crops,industrial plants,food legumes,medicine aromatic plants, grass-pasture and forage plants, fruit and vegetable growing,sericulture,viticulture,livestock ,biological variety and genetics resources,agricultural and mechanization,soil-water resources our responsibility of us is to ;

  1. Organize national and international seminar, conference, symposium, congress, workshop, scientific meetings and training programs etc. in technical area,
  2. Increase resistance to disease, pest, negative environment conditions and quality of yield, line, new variety by breeding and cropping methods according to market needs, making research by using new methods such as biotechnology
  3. Be more effective in agricultural mechanization and information Technologies, sensitive agriculture methods or early warning systems, plant nutrition and pest management, research on decreasing product loss during and after harvest,
  4. Register new varieties and lines resulted from breeding researches, to sustain breeding researches and to produce seed of developed varieties in a qualified level.
  5. Alternative product research to increase crop varieties,
  6. Collect and save vegetative genetic sources to save and sustain bio-diversity and cultivate if necessary,
  7. Research on breeding and raising methods and embryo transfer and natural and artificial semination to increase yield and production in livestock,
  8. Research and develop activities of animal housing, herd managing, animal health and animal breeding
  9. Research on saving domestic animal genetic sources and its sustainable application
  10. Research every kind of animal parasitic disease, epidemic and reverse zoonosis to determine their cure and precautions
  11. Develop the proper method and technology for efficiency of water use in agriculture.
  12. Develop appropriate fertilizing techniques and research effects of plant nutrition and soil regulators on soil quality and yield,
  13. Determine possible changes of climate changes on vegetative production and develop proper adaptation offers,
  14. Determine primary search topics in the country, coordinate integrated projects and publish at least one refereed journal in search areas,
  15. Observe vegetation of main plant groups and make suggestions to prevent probable crisis by preparing reports including yield estimation in development and harvest periods.

    Territorial tasks

    Our territorial aim is to collabrate with all institutes who has projects on its issues and attend research,training and extension works on quality evaluation and development,tolerance to diseases, breeding,cultivation methods, source material development studied and conducted in red lentil area in territorial level.

    Regional tasks

    Our regional target is to contribute to Conserving genetics source,developing source material,breeding,cultivation method,resistance to diseases, quality development and evaluation,research on socio-economic issues, organise training and extension services about plants given below:

    Food  Legumes (lentil,chickpea etc)

    Cereals (durum and bread wheat,maize and barley etc)

    Industrial Plants(Cotton,soya bean,sunflower,cole etc)
    Plants genetics resources

    Forage plants(Clover, trefoil, vetch,forage cereals etc)

    Medicine aromatic plants

    Grass and pasture management and breeding

    Sheep and goats and domestic animals;

    Breeding and Growing Researches,
    Protecting genetic resources of animal,
    Grass and pasture management planning, forage crops, feeds and growing animal,
    Shelters and welfare of animal,
    Tasks about social and economic issues

    Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şırnak, Siirt, Batman, Elazığ, Adıyaman, Malatya, Şanlıurfa, Bitlis, Hakkari



Central Asian Turkish Republics and other Asian Countries, Caucasian Countries, North and Central Africa Countries, Middle East and the Near East Countries, Other Region Neighbour Coutries.