Rapid industrialization and population growth has created a lot of problems with it, today. While humanity benefit on the one hand industrialization brought welfare and ease, on the other hand humanity left face to pay a price that can't be repaired natural environment and ecological balance of the top and bottom the resulting rise such as the environment's destruction and pollution.
The balance between man and nature, since human beings living on earth and begin to build its own artificial environment constantly distorted against human. People creating environmental problems by disrupting the ecological balance quickly especially in recent years, these problems return to itself and result health negative impact might realise environmental awareness and accept this concept.
Land resources of our country despite having enough potential to meet the current needs of the people, lack of land-use curriculum, designed, Utility industrialization, unhealthy and rapid urbanization, population growth, in addition to the discharge of urban and technological origin of chemical waste excessive pesticides and soil pollution from artificial fertilizers, fires irregular investments in tourism and so on. going to limit the use of agricultural land and other natural functions of the soil next to ultimately reduces the potential for agricultural production and the environment is formal and structural deterioration.
A large section of Turkey's soil affecting soil pH buffering power of, lime, and the chemical and physical properties, such as clay soil said to be quite good compared to many countries. But in our country the importance of soil contamination for land size, there is no comprehensive studies on the effects on the environment and human health issues. All these reasons will be made on soil pollution studies are of extreme importance. For this purpose, the institute has quite a bit of determination and intensive agriculture in our region made Erzincan plant nutrients in our region plains scope of work and scope of potential toxic elements has been mapped with the help of geographic information systems.
Agricultural lands without adding anything outside, or be taken at the end of culture as animals grazing under continuous culture they are exposed to loss of nutrients. Some of the lost soil nutrients the plant will benefit form by renewed depending on the main material and other environmental conditions can turn. But to think that it would continue at the same rate constant is faulty. All or part of them by a situation must be added externally to obtain good quality products.
One of the most important problem in our country as it is today in the whole world, is to increase the efficiency of power that the culture of our land our most valuable asset and it continues. This is only possible through the use of fertilizers among other cultural measures. To increase the efficiency of our power to expand the territories of the use of fertilizers and manure fertilization should be done consciously and in an informed way in order to obtain the highest figure income. This is only our culture by analyzing soil nutrient status and fertilizer requests by determining fertilizer-product relationships further studies in the field will be made possible by taking into account fertilization.
Our country due to different climatic conditions and geographical structure, formed in a very different character from each other lands, this farming of the still very different plant species on different soils are conducted. Because the main goal of plant breeding, the amount is higher than the crops grown and to make a profitable production by taking product quality. Such a production is only possible with the changing plant needs to be met in full and according to different ecological zones. This is to meet the needs of different ecological regions still fully accomplished in doing research related to the cultivation of different crops.
Our country is gradually deteriorating land resources, land resources investigation of measures to ensure sustainable management and appropriate technical conditions and according to the country's economic development process are obvious requirements. For the purpose of increasing the yield per unit area of agricultural land will be increasingly subject to loss due to various reasons, it should be continued to determine fertilizer needs to work with the development of various agricultural techniques and new crop varieties. The significant level of non-dependent on the fertilizer industry in terms of raw materials, various organic and inorganic materials for use of facilities as well as reducing dependence on foreign and evaluation of national resources should be explored.
Used in the production of microbial fertilizer alternative that may occur with chemical fertilizers and can be used in gene banks forming microorganisms, and must be improved.Without disturbing the natural system, both sustainable and organic farming practices as well as rhizobium, rhizobakt is, to the production of fertilizer can be used safely from microorganisms such as mycorrhizal, etc, it is very important. In our pasture Institute of encouraging the growth of bacteria and plant efficiency projects are carried out to determine the effects on some pasture properties.
Of agricultural land and groundwater unconscious use of fertilizers leads to the start of a process leading to contamination. In recent days, intense domestic and industrial waste from the agenda of the uncontrolled use of agricultural land carries a significant risk of contamination. as required by fertilizing nutrient analysis based on need and giving to the ground when needed and prevents contamination of the territory is more than necessary when fertilizer is a dependent on foreign input and expenditure.
Our region needs at our institute widely fertilizer products produced is determined by research, we have set our farmers need fertilizer to the soil analysis is available in our laboratory infrastructure.
1- Azote and Phosphorus Fertilizer Need Of Potato in The Vicinity Of Erzurum and Ağrı
Artifact Name: Azote And Phosphorus Fertilizer Need Of Potato in The Vicinity Of Erzurum And Ağrı
Author: F. Avşar
Place Of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 2
Serial No: 1
Date Of Publication: 1982
Keywords: Potato, Pasinler, Ağrı, Azote, Phosphorus
This project is conducted to determine azote and phosphorus needs of Sarı Kız potato kind growed in Pasinler and Ağrı Plains between 1977-1979. According to results of study, correlation equation between azote fertilizer and potato tuber yield in Pasinler is expressed in the equation of Y=1320.71+208.78X-6.43X2, correlation equation between phosphorus fertilizer and potato tuber yield is expressed in the equation of Y=1499.75+203.95X-9.5X2 Correlation equation between azote fertilizer and potato tuber yield in Ağrı is expressed in the equation of Y=1322.20+151.59X-4.69X2, correlation equation between phosphorus fertilizer and potato tuber yield is expressed in the equation of Y=1697.67+152.28X-6.55X2. Consequently, highest potato yield is observed with 16 Kg/da N and 11 Kg/da P2O5 rates in both Ağrı and Pasinler, respectively and potato tuber derived with the rate of 3332 kg/da in Pasinler, 2753 kg/da in Ağrı, respectively.
2- Cotton Species Growed in Iğdır Plain and Azote and Phosphorus Fertilizer Need of Cotton
Artifact Name: Cotton Species Growed in Iğdır Plain and Azote and Phosphorus Fertilizer Need Of Cotton
Author: F.Avşar
Place Of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 3
Serial No: 2
Date Of Publicatıon: 1982
Keywords: Cotton, Iğdır, Azote, Phosphorus
This project is conducted to determine optimum kinds of cotton and demand rate of azote and phosphorus of cotton in Igdır Plain between 1977-1979. Highest yield (347 kg/da) is obtained by Carolina. Queen kind and ranked among in first group. Coker (291kg/da) and 100 A 153 F(266 kg/da) is ranked among in second group. DLP 15-21 (200 kg/da) is ranked among in third group. Highest yield with Carolina Queen is used in fertilizer experiments. Correlation between azote rates and cotton yield while the use of 6 kg/da P2O5 is obtained with the equation of Y=174.24+40.22X-2.03X2 and phosphorus rates and cotton yield while the use of 10 kg/da N is obtained with the equation of Y=239.20+45.88X-3.45X2. While the use of 6 kg/da P2O5, Y=167.68+36.01X-1.97X2 and while the use of 10 kg/da N, Y=263.57+26.89X-2.09X2 are obtained in Aralık. It is observed that application of 10 kg/da N and 6 kg/da P2O5 have an ancreasing effect on cotton yield in Igdır and Aralık. Prov unginned cotton rates with 391.3 kg/da in Igdır and 349.7 kg/da in Aralık are obtained.
3- Phosphorus Fertilizer Need of Trifolium in Iğdır Plain Conditions and application Time
Artifact Name: Phosphorus Fertilızer Need Of Trifolium in Iğdır Plain Conditions and Applicatıon Time
Author: O.Öden
Place Of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 16
Serial No: 13
Date Of Publiıcation: 1987
Keywords: Igdır, Trıfolıum, Phosphorus, Applıcatıon Tıme
Experiment are conducted with the kinds of Kayseri and Peru trifoliums to determine phosphorus fertilizer need of trifolium and application time in Igdır Plain alluvial great soil groups between 1980-1985. According to results of trifolium hay yields, it is observed that there is no statistical difference between the use of Kayseri kind of phosphorus fertilizer for 5 years measure in one time and yearly using in a cultivation year, the use of Peru kind of phosphorus fertilizer for half of 4 years measure per 2 years and yearly using in a cultivation year. According to results, the necessary phosphorus fertilizer per decare with 1986 unit prices for the field of clover in Igdır Plain are 50 kg/da/year for 5 years for Kayseri kind if complete of fertilizer used in cultivation year, 12 kg/da/year for yearly used, 12 kg/da/year for 5 years for Kayseri kind if complete of fertilizer used in cultivation, 12 kg/da/year for 4 years for Peru kind if complete of fertilizer used in cultivation year.
4- Azote And Phosphorus Fertilıier Need of Sunflower in Pasıiler and Iğdır Plains:
Artifact Name: Azote And Phosphorus Fertilizer Need of Sunflower in Pasinler and Iğdır Plains
Author: O.ÖDEN
Place Of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 30
Serial No: 27
Date of Publication:1991
Keywords: Pasinler, Iğdır, Sunflower, Azote, Phosphorus
This project is conducted to determine azote and phosphorus fertilizer need of sunflower have been growed in the vicinity of Erzurum-Pasinler and Kars with wet conditions in the vicinity of Pasinler between 1986-1988, in the vicinity of Igdır between 1982-1986. Experimental subjects are 0, 4, 8, 12 kg/da N and P2O5. According to results, functions determine correlations between fertilizer-product are obtained in the equation of Y=203,338+10,914.X-0,532.X² with azote vicinity and Y=202,995+11,753.X-0,524.X² with phosphorus in Pasinler. Y=214,18+28,271.X-1,4465.X² with azote and Y=243,71+20,363.X-1,043.X² with phosphorus in Igdır. For 1985 fertilizer and product prices, if phosphorus levels in soil for two vicinities are 2-3 kg/da P2O5 then for most economic sunflower product, 8,5 kg/da N, 10 kg/ da P2O5 for Erzurum-Pasinler, 9 kg/da N, 9kg/da P2O5 for Igdır are proposed for using measures.
5- Azote, Phosphorus and Potassium Need of Sugar Beet in The Vicinity Of Ağrı
Artifact Name: Azote, Phosphorus and Potassium Need Of Sugar Beet in The Vicini ty Of Agrı
Author: Ş.Özden, S.Altıntaş
Place Of Publication : K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 42
Serıal No: 38
Date Of Publication: 1995
Keywords: Ağrı, Sugar Beet, Azote, Phosphorus, Potassium, Fertilizer
This project is conducted to determine the effets of azote, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer of sugar beet for 3 years between 1990 and 1992 in the province of Ağrı. Experiments are established as a randomized block design with 3 replications, in azote experiments 0-7.5-15-22.5 kg/da N, in phosphorus fertilizer experiments 0-5-10-15 kg/da P2O5 and in potassium fertilizer experiments 0-10-20-30 kg/da K2O are observed. It is observed that with the existence of 5-6 kg/da P2O5 in soil, in the application of 11 kg/da P2O5, 5452.9 kg/da and in the application of 17 kg/da N, 5621.9 kg/da economical yields can be obtained. But, this effect is not valid for potassium.
6- Determinatıon of High Yield Bread Wheat Kinds in Iğdır Plain Conditions
Artifact Name: Determination Of Hıgh Yield Bread Wheat Kinds in Iğdır Plain Conditions
Place Of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 43
Serial No: 39
Date Of Publication: 1995
Keywords: Wheat, Iğdır, Fertilizing
7- Phosphorus Fertilizer Need of Trifolium in Pasinler Plain Conditıons and Applicatıon Time
Artıfact: Phosphorus Fertilizer Need of Trifolium in Pasinler Plain Conditions and Application Time
Author: O.Öden
Place Of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 47
Serıal No: 43
Date Of Publication: : 1995
Keywords: Trifolium, Phosphorus, Fertilizer Fertilizing, Application Time
This project is conducted to determine necessary phosphorus fertilizer rate of trifolium and application time in Erzurum-Pasinler plain between 1987 and 1991. 0-20-40-60-80 kg/da P2O5 levels of phosphorus fertilizer with Kayseri kind are observed as mainly parcel subjects, using complete of fertilizer in first cultivation, using half of fertilizer in one time per two years, using quarter of fertilizer in each years, are observed as a sub-parcel subjects. According to results, the necessary phosphorus fertilizer rates for Kayseri kind, per decare with 1990 fertlizer and product prices for the field of clover in Pasinler Plain with 1,5 kg/da P2O5 in soil existence, are 29 kg/da/2 if complete rate of fertilizer is used in cultivation year, 14 kg/da/year P2O5 if complete rate of fertilizer is used per years.
8- Calibration of Olsen Phosphorus Analysis With The Azote And Potassium Fertilizer Need Of Wheat In Pasinler Plain Wet Conditions
Artifact Name: Calibration Of Olsen Phosphorus Analysis With The Azote And Potassium Fertilizer Need Of Wheat in Pasinler Plain Wet Conditions
Author: O.Öden
Place of Publication: K.H.A.E. Erzurum
Publication No: 59
Serial No: 51
Date Of Publication: 1994
Keywords: Wheat, Phosphorus, Phosphorus Applıcatıon, Avaılable Phosphorus Quantıty In Soıl, Yıeld Of Graın
This projectis conducted to determine commercial azote and phosphorus fertilizer demands of wheat that can be growed in Erzurum-Pasinler Plain wet conditions and calibration of olsen phosphorus analysis for phosphorus fertilizer proposes depend on soil analysis with the azote and potassium fertilizer need of wheat in pasinler plain wet conditions. Results show that correlation between yield of grain and product is ilişki Y=276.76+50.265 X-0.614 X2 with quadratic equation while the scope of organic matter in the soil is between % 0,2-2 bounds, olsen phosphorus analysis values are log (100- y)= log 100-0.178 b1 with Mitscherlich equations.
9- Determination Of Plant Nutrients And Potential Toxic Element Scopes Of The Irrigated Plots in Erzincan Plain
Artifact Name: Determınatıon Of Plant Nutrıents And Potentıal Toxıc Element Scopes Of The Irrıgated Plots In Erzıncan Plaın
Author: N.Z.Yıldırım, M.Bayraktutan, M.A. Çakal
Place Of Publication: Tagem –Bb-Topraksu-2010/103 Erzurum
Publication No: 103
Date Of Publication: 2010
Keywords: Potential Toxic Element, Yield Of Soil, Water Pollution, Gıs, Erzincan Plain, Karasu
This project is conducted to determine potentıal toxıc element scopes and agricultural production fertility situations of agricultural areas under the risk of agricultural and other activities in Erzincan Plain Soils. Furthermore, it is appeared that by determining water quality of Karasu River that used for irrigating of plain soils whether there is a agricultural pollution or not. For this purpose, three sampling are carried out from Erzincan Plain Soils and Karasu River between 2004 and 2006. 12 sampling pattern are taken from karasu River for water sampling between May and first week of Septemler. Water analysis results were evaluated according to the Water Pollution Control Regulations. When all sampling points are evaluated in Karasu, according to KOI, boron, pH, temperature and electrical conductivity analysis results, river is in the I. and II. class water group. No pollition is observed according to water pollution control regulations by means of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cr, Ni values. As a result, it is determined that there is no pollution derived from water chemical situation but there is river sediment loaded flow in river especially in spring mounths. Erzincan Plain is coordinated by GPS. Soil sampling area is divided to 2 km grids. 318 patterns are taken from 0-20 cm depth of this area. Plain soil is sufficient in potassium, not sufficient in organic matter and phosphorus. A large part of this is area is without salt and there is no boron problem. Microelement scopes are sufficient in Fe and Cu, not sufficient in Zn and Mn. According to potential toxic element results, Pb and Cd measures are not observed above Soil Pollution Control Regulations limit in all plain soils. According to analysis results Cr is observed above % 89 limit value in plain soils while Ni is observed above the Soil Pollution Control Regulations limit value in all of the soils. Plain maps are formed by CBS techniques.
10 -The Effect Of Mıcroscopıc Algae (Chlorella Vulgarıs) As An Organıc Fertılızer On The Organıc Sılage Zea Plant's (Zea Mays L.T.C 513) Metabolıc Characterıstıcs And Growth Parameters.
Suha Kürşat ÖNALAN, Prof. Dr. Şevket GÖKPINAR, Prof. Dr. Metin TURAN
In this Project (a) ensuring the sustainability of production of Chlorella vulgaris algae species by cattle fertilizer is taken from an organic animal raising business, (b) observing the effect of Chlorella vulgaris algae species characteristics features on some physical and chemical properties of diffrerent area soils, (c) determinig the effect of Chlorella vulgaris algae species on soil micro-flora that inoculated to soil by organic liquid fertilizer, (d) ) determinig the effect of Chlorella vulgaris algae species on soil algae flora that inoculated to soil by organic liquid fertilizer, (e) determining the value of silaged zea plant seeds that growed in cultur conditions contain Chlorella vulgaris microscopic seamoss, the value of macro and micro nutrients taken from twig and root sides of silage zea plant that algae inoculationed by irrigation water, (f) determining the effect of silaged zea plant on growing parameters in animal fostering, (g) determining the protein, lipit, carbohydrates and amino acids composition of silaged zea plant that growed in cultur conditions contain Chlorella vulgaris microscopic seamoss, (h) observing the hormonal effect of Chlorella vulgaris algae species on silaged zea plant growing parameters, (i) comparing production cost and yield effect of Chlorella vulgaris algae species as a liquid fertilizer by taking into account chemical fertilizer conditions, are aimed to learn