Objectives of Department of Climate change and watershed; to determine what level of agricultural drought in basins, to investigate measures to be taken, to reduce the effects of drought and future plans and programs to do. Also; climatic changes, natural resource basins to minimize the negative impact on the drought is to ensure the proper management of the effective factors.
In the Institute; 16 to 20 February 1998 I. National Snow Conference, 21-23 February 2000 II. National Snow Congress, 28 February 2002 Snow and Avalanche Panel, 17-19 and in February 2009 III. National Snow Congress were made.
Three people from the project team participated to snow hydrology courses at 1998, in the Colorado State of United States and one person from the project team, about three years that he worked as a Coordinator in the EU Regional Grant Program.
Our study subjects:
.Snow hydrology
. The snow-covered fields is determined by geostatistical methods
. Snow depth-density, snow-water equivalent measurements and evaluations
. Basin, in the determination of rainfall-runoff relationship
. Snow cover, soil, temperature and humidity relations
. Ensuring the maximum benefit from snow fields and water harvesting methods
. Meteorological observations and views
Hülya BAKIR Agriculture Engineer 0(442) 327 14 40 -41/2115 hulya.bakir@tarimorman.gov.tr
Hikmet Birhan Agriculture Engineer 0(442) 327 14 40 -41/2129 hikmet.birhan@tarimorman.gov.tr
Tamer COŞKUN Agriculture Engineer 0(442) 327 14 40 -41/2116 tamer.coskun@tarimorman.gov.tr
Mehmet Ali BİNGÖL Agriculture Engineer 0(442) 327 14 40 -41/2128 mehmetali.bingol@tarimorman.gov.tr
Ömerül Faruk AYDIN Agriculture Engineer 0(442) 327 14 40 -41/2127 omerulfaruk.aydin@tarimorman.gov.tr
1- Rainfall investigation in the river basin of Erzurum-Aziziye-Sinirbasi.
2 - Snow cover with soil moisture and temperature profile effects on soil loss
3 - Some water harvesting methods; retain moisture in pastures and to investigate the effects on vegetation.