
National Food Starter Cultures Gene Bank

Project of Dairy Products Gene Bank was presented to Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development in 2013 and completed within the body of Central Research Institute of Food and Feed Control in 2016. The infrastructure of The Gene Bank will contribute to protection and preservation of genetic materyal of traditional foods. Starter cultures which are used in food industry are currently imported into Turkey. These starter cultures will be produced in the Gene Bank without any risk of food safety, thus competitiveness of Turkey will rise and technical knowledge which contributes to economy will generate.

Within the scope of culture collection, fermented products which are obtained from different regions of Turkey will be determined and identified.By this way, production of the industrial cultures that private sector needs may be supported. Moreover, novel starter cultures can be developed.

There are Microbiology Laboratory, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genetic Material preservation units, Fermantation Unit, Pilot Dairy Plant and Instrumental Analysis laboratory in the Gene Bank.

Dairy Products Gene Bank is open to cooperations with Public Institutions, universities and Private Sector regarding mutual protocols.


  • Obtaining isolates from traditional foods
  • MALDI-TOF identificaton
  • Technological characterisation of strains
  • Riboprinter 5S, 16S and23S sequencing
  • MiniSeq Full Genom Sequencing
  • Fermantation
  • Lyophilisation
  • Generating culture collection
  • Product R&D and dairy plant


  • Riboprinter (5S, 16S, 23S)
  • Next Generation Sequencing
  • Real-Time PCR
  • Classical PCR
  • PCR Gel Electrophoresis
  • Flow cytometry
  • Fermentor
As a first step of Dairy Products Gene Bank's operations, samples from Bursa and other provinces and villages where are near Bursa have been collected. Qualified personnel visit tablelands and villages which has livestock farming and public market, and collect yoghurt and cheese samples that are fermented using natural starters. Samples are analysed after being carried to Institute under appropriateconditions. Isolates obtained will be preseved in the collection and studied for their potential as starter culture.

Sample collection will continue regarding the schedule.

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