Students from food, feed, chemistry, biology and fishery product departments of undergraduate schools or universities and high schools give education on these topics, may annually apply for training to institute between the dates 01 January and 01 April to join training program.
Applications written by student are firstly registered and sent to the director of institute. Copies of these applications are also sent to Training and Publication Department and those are kept until 01 April.
In April, a meeting are hold. Director of Institute and head of Training and Publication Department join this meeting and applications are evaluated.
There is a quota for students from universities and undergradate schools. 70 % of trainees are chosen from university students and the rest are from undergraduate schools.
Official letter about their application are sent to the applicants or their schools in May. Accepted trainees are started to training program in the first week of July and they don’t pay any fee.
Training Program (EYB-FR-09) is individually prepared by Training and Publication Department and make sure that every trainees takes training in all technical departments of institute.
Accepted trainees bring their official papers to Training and Publication Department and start to training program in the first week of July. Training and Publication Department is responsible for trainees’ daily controls.
Trainees who finished his/her training program prepare trainee notebook and related parts of this book are signed by head of technical departments and head of Training and Publication Department.
The opinion of heads of technical departments are taken by heads of Training and Publication Department to give a note for every trainee.
Remainderman Researchers TrainingIn the Circular named “Relocation and Appoitment of Researchers and Managers to Institutes” and published by MFAL (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock), it is written that “ If any personel who has a bachelor degree or works in another division of MFAL apointed to an institute, s/he is going to be a remainderman researcher at first.” In accordance with “Master Plan”, A remainderman researcher must take a training course at last one year or two years according to his/her experience.
Research Metodology Training is routinely implemented in accordance with annual training program to appointed personnel who are remainderman researchers, out of institute for a long time spent for military service or be on leave , and having adaptation problems for beeing a researcher.
For achieving necessary a number of trained researcher ministry need, remainderman researchers training Program is routinely implemented by General Directorship of Agricultural Research since 2003.