Our Institute Researchers Gave Training program in Bangladesh within the scope of TIKA-SECRIC-Islamic Development Bank Supported International Project

23.05.2023 / View : 75 / Archive

​A training on "Biotechnological Tools and Techniques for Cotton - Sample Collection Activities" was held within the scope of the "Mutual Linkage Project on Increasing Capacity in the Development of Cotton Varieties between Bangladesh and Turkey" supported by Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), Islamic Development Bank and Islamic Countries Statistics, Economic and Social Studies, conducted by the Cotton Research Institute (Nazilli/Aydin) affiliated to our General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy (TAGEM) and Bangladesh Cotton Development Board together with our Institute. Within the scope of the training, our Institute director, Dr. Hümeyra Yaman, Head of Biotechnology Department, Dr. Cuma Karaoğlu and one of the department researchers, Dr. Nur Koyuncu and Firdevs Özbek by presentations were made. At the end of the training, A plaque was presented to our researchers by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council President Dr. Shaikh Mohammad Bokhtiar. In addition, within the scope of the training visit, TIKA Bangladesh office and T.R. Dhaka Embassy was visited and information was given about the project.