As the Central Research Institute of Field Crops, we participated in the symposium "The Role of Plant Genetic Resources in Climate Change and Food Security" held in Tashkent between the 7-9th November 2024 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
During the symposium, Uzbekistan Deputy Minister of Agriculture Shukurov Alisher Nametullayevich, FAO Uzbekistan Representative Sherzod Umarov, Global Crop Diversity Trust's BOLD Project Coordinator Benjamin Killian, ICBA Director General Tarifa A. Alzaabi, ICARDA Central Asia Regional Representative Akmal Akramkhanov, CIMMYT Country Representative Amer Dababat and Svalbard Global Seed Bank Coordinator Asmund Asdal gave speech.
40 speeches were given, and more than 200 participants attended from 20 different countries to the symposium. Within the scope of the program, Dr. Hümeyra YAMAN from our Institute made a presentation on “The Operation of the Türkiye Seed Gene Bank and the Use of Genetic Resources in Climate Change Studies", Dr. Fatma Gül MARAŞ VANLIOĞLU made a presentation on “The Use of Genetic Resources for Food Security in the Perspective of Climate Change" and Dr. Cuma KARAOĞLU made a presentation on “Accelerated Plant Breeding with Biotechnological Methods".