The project "Strengthening Regional Cooperation and National Capacities for Wheat Rust Disease Management and Resistance Breeding in Central Asia and the Caucasus" was carried out in cooperation with our Directorate General, FAO, and ICARDA. Within the scope of this project, a workshop named "Development of a National Strategy and Urgent Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Wheat Rust Diseases in Türkiye" Workshop was held in Ankara on 14th November 2024.
TAGEM Deputy General Manager Dr. Fatih ÖZDEMİR, Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suat KAYMAK, Deputy General Manager of Food and Control Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus BAYRAM, FAO, CIMMYT, ICARDA representatives, and our Institute researchers attended the workshop. The workshop aimed to determine and implement national strategies for the prevention and control of wheat rust diseases.