Field Crops Central Research Institute involved to an EU The SCOOP Project, which started to October 2021, focused on innovative and diversified organic intercropping systems aimed at preserving ecosystem and agricultural land integrity, biodiversity, and food/feed security. The new intercrops will be based on camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz), a native European multi-purpose oilseed crop, with large environmental suitability and highly adaptable to organic farming, and locally selected underutilized crops. The companion crop (e.g. pulses, pseudo-cereals, ancient cereals, medicinal plants etc.) will be identified locally in the living labs created at hoc which will gather local stakeholders, farmers, breeders, scientist, food processors, considering their needs, expectations, traditional food uses, and the most representative organic farming systems. As CRIFIC we'll contribute to Project by intercropping coriander, fenugreek and buckwheat with camelina.
As a part of the Project the first LL will be organized on April 26, 2022, in İkizce Research and Application Center of Field Crops Central Research Institute at 11.00 am. Information about the Project can be found here.
A shuttle will be available at 10.00 am in front of the main building of Yenimahalle location of Field Crops Central Research Institute and bring you back after the organization.
Please confirm your presence until 25th April to the address