Project partnership agreement has been signed

6.04.2018 / View : 1430 / Archive
Project partnership agreement has been signed between Yalova Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute and Republic of Korea Gyeongsangbuk-Do Agricultural Research and Publication Services on March 19, 2018.
Gazi Kaya, Director General of Agricultural Research and Policies, and Youngho Kwak, Director General of Gyeongsangbuk-Do Agricultural Research and Publication Services of the Republic of Korea to cooperate with the two countries on Viticulture with the project titled "Evaluation of Genetic Resources and Breeding of Table Grape"
It is planned that the project will be carried out as 3 years in the first stage and then it will be 6 years in total together with the second 3 years period. The aim of the project is to develop new seedless, large and disease tolerant/resistance new grape cultivars needed for the two countries.
With the project, the researchers of the two countries will carry out mutual visits, research studies and jointly benefit from the project results.