Project Evaluation Group Meetings Finished

28.03.2021 / View : 498 / Archive

​Project Evaluation Group (PDG) Meetings, which were held in line with the objectives of the "Agricultural Research Master Plan", where new proposal projects, ongoing projects and finalized projects were discussed, were held online using the Web conferencing method.

2021 Project Evaluation Group Meetings where projects prepared in line with the agricultural research priorities, targets and policies of our country are discussed; Between 1-27 March 2021.

In these PDG Meeting it is aimed to decide on the application and publication of the research results. Approximately 1200 participants consisting of technical staff of all Research Institutes affiliated to the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, University lecturers, private sector representatives, non-governmental organizations and representatives of public institutions attended these meetings. Presentations were made by subject experts on the new project proposals, ongoing and finalized projects, and all participants contributed to these projects.