A Collaboration Protocol was Signed Between Our Institute and Yalova University

12.11.2020 / View : 572 / Archive

A cooperation protocol was signed between Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute and Yalova University Polymer Materials Engineering Department within the scope of the project titled "Determining the Performance of Different Cannabis Populations in Yalova Conditions, Researching the Suitability of Hemp Fiber and Oils for Industrial Use".

The signing ceremony of the protocol held at the Rectorate of Yalova University  between our Institute Director Dr. Yılmaz Boz and Yalova University Rector Prof. Dr. Suat Cebeci. The cooperation protocol signed brought together the experts of their fields. Project was develop within the scope of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM)  aim to carry out studies to obtaining high value-added products and to reduce the import amounts by bringing high-import products to the country's agriculture.

High Import Products Will Be Brought to The Country's Agriculture

Main goals of the project is  to bring high-import products to the country's agriculture; determining the agricultural and technological characteristics of the cannabis populations used in the study under Yalova conditions, recommending the genotypes with sufficient oil yield and quality level to the producers engaged in cannabis cultivation, determining better populations of industrial cannabis that will stand out as high quality cannabis seeds, among the plant populations provided. In particular, it is expected that concrete data on local populations will be revealed and registration application will be made for one or more of the local genotypes showing superior characteristics.