X. International Symposium on Kiwifruit has been Postponed-IMPORTANT INFORMATION

2.06.2020 / View : 977 / Archive

New Date and New Website (www.kiwifruit2021.org) of the  X. International Symposium on Kiwifruit.

Kiwifruit 2021 Symposium Secretariat is continually monitoring the situation relating to COVID-19. We are closely following the evolving situation in Europe and globally, as well as monitoring all restrictions imposed by Institutions.

The most recent situation was evaluated by the symposium secretariat and the scientific committee. As a result, it was decided to postpone the symposium to 27-30 September 2021.

Also, Important dates of the symposium updated on the website. We recommend that you visit our website regularly and upload your abstracts.

For more information or any other requests, you can also contact the secretary or convenor of the symposium.

We are looking forward to hosting you with a wonderful symposium on 27-30 September 2021.