19.07.2022 / View : 224 / Archive

The 'Almond Workshop' organized by the Antalya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry on 6-7 July 2022. The workshop was carried out by our institute technical personnel Dr. Ajlan YILMAZ. Information about almond cultivation and its importance in the world and in our country was given to participants.

In the organization held in Elmalı and Döşemealtı districts, almond cultivation was explained to the participants theoretically and practically by visiting the orchards. The following topics were covered in details in the workshop;

  • The importance of almond cultivation in Antalya province
  • Choosing the best location for almond plantation
  • Pre-planting operations
  • The importance of rootstock and cultivar selection
  • Cultural practices which must be implemented in the vegetation period (pruning, irrigation, fertilization, disease and pest management etc.)