10.07.2023 / View : 196 / Archive

​Pistachio yield estimation training, which is held every year, was carried out in our institution on 04.07.2023 via the Zoom program. The training was delivered by our institution's director, Ahmet ŞAHAN, and our technical personnel, Agricultural Engineer Ümran KARAASLAN and Agricultural Engineer İbrahim Halil YİĞİT. Technical personnel from Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Kahramanmaraş, Siirt, Kilis, and Batman provinces, as well as agricultural chambers, participated in the training, and fieldwork is ongoing in the relevant provinces. While the production amount was approximately 240,000 tons in the previous year, less production is expected this year due to the alternate bearing of pistachios and unfavorable climatic conditions.

The results will be evaluated in line with the reports that will be received from the provinces until July 28, 2023, and an estimate of 2023 pistachio yield will be made.

 Project studies on various subjects related to pistachio are still continuing in our institution. Our researchers, who closely monitor the issues faced by the producers, are also incorporating projects to address these concerns.