The First Regional Group Meeting of 2021 Was Done

28.06.2021 / View : 43 / Archive

The first Regional Group meeting of 2021 was held with the meeting by zoom online. At the meeting it was done with the cooperation of Antalya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry under the coordination of BATEM (Bati Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute) which our institute (Fruit Research Institute) attended, the presentations on "The Effects of Climate Change and Drought on Agriculture, Temperature and Precipitation Regime, Pest Populations, Soil and Water Resources, Encountered Problems and Solution Suggestions" were held on June 22, 2021.


1- "Climate Changes and Their Effects from the Ice Age to the Present" Prof. Dr. Serdar GÖNCÜ (Eskişehir Technical University Environmental Engineering)

2- "What are the Causes of Climate Change? Effect on Temperature and Precipitation Regimes" Prof. Dr. Hasan ÇUKUR (Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Education Faculty, Department of Geography)

3- "Causes and Consequences of Climatic Changes" Prof. Dr. Yaşar DOĞAN (Chief of Department of Environmental Earth Sciences, Dokuz Eylül University)

4- "The Effect of Climate Changes on Pest Populations" Prof. Dr. İsmail KARACA (Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection)

5- "Precipitation and Climate Data of Our Region" Branch Manager Murat GÜLER (4th Regional Directorate of Meteorology in Antalya)

6- "What is Climate Change and Drought? What are the effects on our country and agriculture? Problems and Solution Suggestions" Prof. Dr. Yusuf DEMİR (19 Mayıs University Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation)

7- "The Effect of Climate Change and Drought on Soil and Water Resources" Prof. Dr. Şule ORMAN (Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, Chief of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department)

8- Problems Identified by KTV Branch Offices, Unsolved in the Province, and required to be Reported to Research Institute Directorates, Determination of the Subject,

Determination of Place and Date of the Next Meeting