Fruit Research Institute Postharvest Physiology Laboratory consists of storage and laboratory infrastructure. The Postharvest Physiology storage and laboratory substructure was strengthened by the DPT in 2010 and the Development Agency project in 2011.
In the cold air tank substructure;
- 8 controlled atmosphere storages and systems,
- 8 dynamic controlled atmosphere storages and systems,
- 7 regular atmosphere storage rooms (-5_+20OC)
- 7 JANNY MT Box Modules,
- 1 postharvest chemical (Ethylene, 1-MCP) application rooms,
- 1 dampening unit.
Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity of the whole storage can be controlled by remote monitoring established program.
The laboratory consists of two laboratories, namely the lower structure, the pomology laboratory and the physiology laboratory.
In the pomology laboratory; Digital scale, CR400 colour meter, GÜSS FTA texture analyser, 2 gas meter (O2 and CO2), 2 ICA56 ethylene meter, Mettler Toledo T50 automatic titration device, 2 table type digital refractometer and digital Compass.
The physiology laboratory consists of two parts as extraction and device. In the extraction part; digital precision scale, pure water device, shredder, mixer, shaker, centrifuge, rotary evaporator, water bath, drying oven. In the device part, there are spectrophotometer, gas chromatograph, head space and liquid chromatography devices.