Fruit Research Institute have started to work on the project “On the Lifecycle Management of pesticides and POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) Disposal of Pesticides Involved in Central Asian Countries and Turkey”.

7.07.2020 / View : 368 / Archive

Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are jointly conducted on the project "On the Lifecycle Management of pesticides and POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) Disposal of Pesticides Involved Central Asian Countries and Turkey" is funded by the Global Environment Fund within the scope of the Institute efforts have been put on to promote integrated plant protection techniques in apple production.


In the project, pheromone emitters that prevent mating, which is a biotechnical technic to reduce the use of chemicals within the scope of the integrated plant protection for apple codling moth. It is possible to produce apple by protecting human health and environment by using less chemicals with integrated plant protection methods.