Tolerant Pear Variety Breeding for Fire Blight Disease" project is being carried out to the end in our institute with new varieties

4.05.2020 / View : 365 / Archive

New pear varieties wil be added to local and national varieties.

Breeding studies of Fruit Research Instıtute began to give results of the "Tolerant Pear Variety Breeding for Fire Blight Disease" project, which has been carried out in our institute since 2006, has reached to an end within the scope of the project, 7 pear variety candidates were sent for registration in 2018. This project will provide a major contribution to the pear breeding tolerant local and national varieties and establishesing both traditional and organic pear orchards with good quality pear varieties. Also it will accelerate the Turkish pear production and trade. The amount of chemicals used in orchards with these varieties will be reduced and the reduction in inputs used in expensive chemical control methods will result in high economic income. In addition, the risks to human and environmental health using from pesticides  will be minimized.