Ethical Guidelines

Directorate of Soil Water and Deserting Control Research Institute is dependent on "THE REGULATION ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ETHICAL BEHAVIOR OF THE PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND ESSENTIALS" which is published in Official Gazette dated 04/13/2005 and numbered 25785; with the objective to establish ethical culture in public, to determine the principles of ethical behavior of the public officials who have to abide while executing their duties, to assist them in order to display behaviors in accordance with these principles and to raise the confidence of community to the public administration by eliminating the situations which create distrust in the society and which impairs the principles of justice, integrity, transparency and impartiality in carrying out the duties, to inform the community about the behaviors they are entitled to expect from the public officials and to arrange the procedures and essentials of application to the Council.

  • Consciousness of public service in performance of a duty,
  • Consciousness of serving the community,
  • Compliance with the service standards,
  • Commitment to the Objective and Mission,
  • Integrity and Impartiality,
  • Respectability and confidence,
  • Decency and respect,
  • Notification to the competent authorities:  Notifying the situation to the competent authorities public officials, in the case that their acting against the principles of ethical behavior which are determined in this Regulation or their carrying out illegal transactions or actions is demanded or when they learn or see such actions or transaction while performing their service.
  • Avoiding conflict of interest,
  • Not using the duty and authorities to derive benefits,
  • Prohibition of receiving gifts and deriving benefits,
  • Making use of public domain and sources,
  • Avoiding extravagance,
  • Binding explanations and factitious statement,
  • Notification, transparency and participation: Submiting the information and documents upon the demand of natural and legal persons duly apart from the exceptions determined in The Law numbered 4982 on Right to information.
  • Managers' liability to render account,
  • Avoiding making former public officials benefited from public services in a privileged way and treating them in a privileged manner,
  • Declaring property.