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Elazığ Su Ürünleri Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü
Uluslararası Yayınlar
2007 Yılı
Şen, B., M.A.T. Koçer, Ö. Canpolat, M.T. Alp, İ. Türkgülü and F. Sönmez, "Pollution and Siltation Effects of The Running Waters on Lake Hazar and Restoration Practice to Minimize These Threats". International Congress River Basin Management Volume I, 22-24 Mart 2007, Antalya, 308-318.
2010 Yılı
Saler, S., Çoban, M.Z., Örnekçi, G.N., Yüce, S. ve Türkgülü, İ. 2010. Keban Baraj Gölü (Elazığ)'nde Yaşayan
Barbus mystaceus
(Pallas, 1814)'ün Sindirim İçeriğinde Bulunan Hayvansal Organizmalar, e -Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Ecological Life Science, 5: 2, 97-104
Küçükyılmaz M., G.Uslu, N. Birici, N.G. Örnekçi, N.Yıldız, T. Şeker, 2010. Karakaya Baraj Gölü Su Kalitesinin İncelenmesi,Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Su ve Atıksu Yönetimi Sempozyumu, Konya.
Ural, M., Memişoğlu, E., Örnekçi, G.N., (2010). The Suitable for Aquaculture Water Source Research and Water Quality Parameters In The Some Cities In the Gap Regions. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 9(14):1967-1971
Saler, S., Sönmez, F.,
Çelik, B
., Örnekçi, N.G ve Yüce S, 2010. Keban Baraj Gölü (TÜRKİYE)'nde Yaşayan
Capoeta umbla
(HECKEL, 1843) ve
Capoeta trutta
(HECKEL, 1843) Türlerinin Sindirim Sistemi İçerikleri,e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy 5: 4, 307-318
2011 Yılı
ral M., K. Uysal, A. Çiçek, E. Köse, M.A. Koçer, S. Arca, G.N. Örnekçi, F. Demirol, S. Yüce, Determination of Trace Element Concentrations in Water, Sedıment and Fısh Specıes From The Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates), Turkey, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 20- No 8a.2011.
2012 Yılı
Bayrak,G., A.,A. Uslu, G.,N. Örnekçi, G. Karakaya, M. Cebeci, (2012). An Off Grid Photovoltaic System Design for Fish Cages in Farms, Solar Electtrycıty Conference Exhibition 7-9 November , S.38, ANTALYA
Çoban M.Z., İ. Türkgülü, F. Yüksel, Y. Celayir, S. Yüce, M. Eroğlu, N. Yıldız, and D. Şen, 2012. Some Biological Characteristics of
Luciobarbus esocinus
Heckel 1843 Living in Keban Reservoir. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 12,1: 73-80.
Demirol F. ve Yüksel F. Balık Stoklarının tahmininde Kullanılan Markalama Yöntemleri, e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Ecological Life Sciences, 5A0072, 7, (3), 35-55. 2012.
Alpaslan K., Sesli A., Tepe R., Özbey N., Birici N., Şeker T., Koçer M.A.T., Vertical and seasonal changes of water quality in Keban Dam Reservoir, Journal of fisheries,6(3)252-262,2012
Özbay O., N. Sağlam, F. Demirol, M. Balcı, A. Sevim, A. Kılıç, K. Özkan, F. Gündüz, T. Demir, N.G. Örnekçi, 2012. Monitoring of Medicinal Leech (
Hırudo Verbana
Carena, 1820) ın Wetlands of Karakoçan, 1 Oth Conference of the Association of Hirudologists,1-October 5, Kharkiv/Ukraine
Sağlam N.,Ö. Özbay, A. Sevim, N. Özbey, S. Arca, A. Beri, A. Sesli, A. Kılıç, 2012. "Sivrice Hazar Gölü (Elazığ-Türkiye) ve Göle Bağlantılı Akarsularda Sülük Faunasının Araştırılması" The Fırst International Biology Congress in Kyrgyzstan , 24-24 September, Bishkek/Kyrgyzstan
Ural M., S. Arca, G.N. Örnekçi, F. Demirol, S. Yüce, K. Uysal, A. Çiçek, E. Köse, and M.A.T. Koçer, (2012). Metal Accumulation in Sediment, Water and Freshwater Fish in Karakaya Dam Lake (Euphrates,Turkey). Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. Vol.94. No.1, January, 2012, 49-55.
2013 Yılı
Akgün H., M. Küçükyılmaz, Ö. Özbay, T. Demir, G.N. Örnekçi, A.A. Uslu, S. Gürçay, 2013. Present Status of Fisheries Sector in Elazığ. First International Fisheries Symposium in Northern Cyprus between. 24-27 March, Cyprus.
Akgün H., Ö. Özbay, T. Yıldırım, A.A. Uslu, T. Demir, 2013. Sustainibility of trout Production and Marketiy in Şanlıurfa Province of Turkey. First International Fisheries Symposium in Northern Cyprus between. 24-27 March, Cyprus.
Akgün H., Ö. Özbay, T. Yıldırım, E. Veske, 2013. Aquaculture Production Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: The Case of Elazig. 2 Internatıonal Development Conference16-17 May, Elazığ/Turkey.
Akgün H., G. Arısoy, T. Yıldırım, Y. Çiçek, Ö. Özbay, E. Veske, 2013. Importance of Aquaculture Mechanization. Soil-Water Journal.
Çoban M. Z., F. Gündüz, İ. Türkgülü, N.G. Örnekçi, S. Yüce, F. Demirol and A. Alp, 2013. Reproductive Properties of
Capoeta umbla
(Heckel, 1843) Living in Lake Hazar (Elaziğ, Turkey), International Journal of Agriculturaland Food Research. Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 38.
Çoban M. Z., F. Gündüz, F. Demirol, N.G. Örnekçi, G. Karakaya, İ. Türkgülü, A. Alp, 2013. Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment of
Capoeta umbla
(Heckel, 1843) in Lake Hazar, Elazığ, Turkey, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (13), 221-231.
Küçükyılmaz M., G. N. Örnekçi, A. A. Uslu, N. Özbey, T.Şeker, N. Birici, H. Akgün, N. Yıldız, M. A. T. Koçer, 2013. Investigation of thewaterquality in Işıktepe irrigation dam. The First International Fisheries Symposium in Northern Cyprus, 24-27 March, Cyprus.
Örnekçi G. N., A.A. Uslu, G., Uslu, 2013. An Investigation of the Pollution Load Causedby Trout Breeding in Karakaya Dam Lake in Turkey. 2013 Asabe International Meeting. 21-24 July, Kansas City/Missouri.
Yüksel, F., F. Demirol, F. Gündüz, "Leslie Population Estimation for Turkish Crayfish (
Astacus leptodactylus
Esch., 1823) in the Keban Dam Lake, Turkey" Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 13: 835-839 (2013). (SCI)
2014 Yılı
Akgün, H., Çiçek, E., Gürçay, S., Tepe, R., 2014. Current Status of Adıyaman Province Hunting and Fishing Hunting Made Fish Species. 1 st International Symposium on Aquatic Sciences and Technology. 15-16-17 May. CYPRUS 2014. s. 58.
Akgün, H., The Importance of Fishery Product Mechanization in Aquaculture Engineering. International Mesopotamia Agriculture Congress S:232-233 / 22-25 September 2014. Diyarbakır.
Akgün, H.., Current State of Fisheries Production in Elazığ. International Mesopotamia Agriculture Congress. S: 235 / 22-25 September 2014. Diyarbakır.
Akgün, H., Canpolat, İ., Memişoğlu, E., Gürçay, S., BİRİCİ, N., 2014. Hunting of Elazığ Current Status of Aquaculture International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (FABA 2014) 25-27 September 2014. Trabzon.
Demir,T.,Örnekci,G.N.,Uslu,A.A.,Arısoy,G.,Koçer,M.A.T.,Özmen,H.,2014, Determınatıon Of Trophıc State Of Cat Dam Lake (Adıyaman-Turkey),
International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (FABA), 25-27 September, Trabzon/TURKEY.
Demirol, F., Gündüz, F., Yüksel, F., Yıldırım, T., Beri, A., Küçükyılmaz, M.,
The Investigation of Catch Efficiency Of Crayfish Fyke Nets Located in Different Duration"
International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FABA 2014), September 25-27, 2014. Trabzon, Turkey, 212.
Gündüz, F., Alp, A.,
Biological Characteristics of
Acanthobrama marmid
ckel, 1843 Population in Uzunçayir Reservoir (Tunceli). International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FABA 2014), September 25-27, 2014. Trabzon, Turkey, 209.
Saler S.,Sönmez F.,Çelik B.,Örnekçi G N.,Yüce S. ,Alpaslan K. 2014.Digestion system content of Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758
living in Keban, Karakaya and Atatürk Dam Lakes. FABA 2014 İnternational Symposyum on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 25-27 September 2014/Trabzon
Uslu A.A.,
Karakaya, G.,
Örnekci N.G., Şenel A.,F., (2014).
A case Study: In the net cages feed using in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) breeding farm in Keban Dam Lake. İnternational Symposium on Fisheries and aquatic Sciences 25-27 September FABA,
A_32, s 294, TRABZON.
Yerli, S. V., Mangıt, F., Emiroğlu, Ö., Yeğen, V., Uysal, R., Ünlü, E., Alp, A., Buhan, E., Yıldırım, T., Zengin M., Distribution of Invasive
Carassius gibelio
(Bloch, 1792) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Turkey, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14: 581-590 12 June 2014
Yıldırım, T., Çalta, M., Beri, A., Güneş, S., Demir, T., Demirol, F., Canpolat, İ., Gündüz, F. "Fish Fauna of Karakaya Dam Lake"
FABA 2014: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
25-27 september
2014 / Trabzon, 431
Yüce S., Gündüz F., Demirol, F., Çoban,M.,Z.
Reproductıon Bıology of (Heckel, 1843) living ın Atatürk Dam Lake. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FABA 2014),
Symposium Abstract Book,
September 25-27, 2014. Trabzon, Turkey, 210.
Yüksel, F., Alp, A., Gündüz, F., Çoban, M.Z., Demirol, F.,
"Estimation of the population size of
Capoeta umbla
(Heckel, 1843) in the lake Hazar (Elazığ) by removal method".
Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 9, No. 1, January - March 2014, p. 167 – 174.
Yüksel, F., Gündüz, F., Demirol, F.,
Gillnet selectivity for
Luciobarbus esocinus
(Heckel, 1843) in Keban Dam Lake, Elazig, Turkey.
Indian J. Fish., 61(2) : 108-111, 2014.
Yüksel, F., Demirol, F., Gündüz, F., "
Leslie Population Estimation for Turkish Crayfish (
Astacus leptodactylus
Esch., 1823) in the Keban Dam Lake, Turkey"
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
13: 835-839 (2013).
Yüksel, F., Demirol, F., Gündüz, F., Çoban, M.Z.,
Gillnet Selectivity for Shabbout (
Barbus grypus
Heckel, 1843) in Keban Dam Lake, Elazig, Turkey. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FABA 2014), September 25-27, 2014. Trabzon, Turkey,
2015 Yılı
Bayrak, G., Cebeci, M., Uslu, A.A., Karakaya, G., Örnekci, N.G., (2015). A Smart Solar Energy-Based Cooling System Design
Application for Sustainable Trout Farming in Keban Dam Lake. Digital Proceeding of ICOCEE-Cappadocia 2015, S.Şahinkaya and E. Kalıpçı (Editors) May 20-23, 2015 Nevşehir, Turkey.
Canpolat, İ., Birici, N., Arısoy, G., Öztürk, E. ve Şeker, T., 2015. The Current Status of Fishing in Elazig, ISSN: 2149-0910, Int. J.Pure Appl. Sci. 1(2): 122-126 (2015)
Gündüz, F., Demirol, F., Çoban, M.Z., Yüksel, F., Kurtoğlu, M., Yıldız, N., Kılıç, A., Uzunçayır Baraj Gölü'ndeki
Capoeta umbla
(Heckel, 1843)'nın Bazı Populasyon Parametreleri. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. (Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci.) 1(2): 100-111 2015.
Özgür, M.E., Bayır, İ., Gürçay, S.,
The Present Status of Rainbow Trout Aquaculture in Turkey Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 8 (2): 006-008, 201
5ISSN: 1308-0040, E-ISSN: 2146-0132,
Özgür, M.E., Gürçay, S., Memişoğlu, E., Akgün, H., Bayır, İ., Dünya Süs Balıkları Ticaretine Küresel Bir Bakış, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 8(1): 01-05, 2015 ISSN: 1308-0040, E-ISSN: 2146-0132,
Sevgili, H., Kurtoğlu, A., Oikawa, M., Aksoy, A., Kocakaya, S., Öztürk, E., & Gündüz Oruç, H. (2015). A combination of corn gluten and soybean meal as a substitute for fishmeal in diets of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus Linnaeus, 1758) in brackish water. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 31, 355-361.
2016 Yılı
Alpaslan, K., Gündüz, F., Karakaya, G., Küçükyılmaz, M., Yüksel, F., Çoban, M.Z. Some Populatıon Parameters of Squalius cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 living ın Boztepe RecaiKutan (Malatya) dam lake . s: 420 Lakes Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2016 FABA Sempozyumu, Antalya .223.
Arısoy, G., Erdem, M., Şahin, M., Örnekçi, G.N., Küçükyılmaz, M ve Alpaslan, K. Monitorıng Some Types of Pesticides in Surface Sediments of Karakaya Dam Lake, FABA 2016, International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, ISBN:978-605-9175-59- 3, Page: 536-537, 3-5 November 2016, Antalya, TURKEY.
Birici, N., Saatçi,Y., Güneş,M., Bayraktar, K., Şeker, T., Karakaya,G. (2016). Refahiye Köroğlu Deresi (Erzincan) Sularının Balık Yetiştiriciliği ve Su Kalitesi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, 28 Eylül-01 Ekim 2016, Erzincan
Canpolat, İ., Birici, N., Arısoy, G., Gürçay, S., Memişoğlu, E. ve Şeker. T., 2016. The Current Status of Fishing in Elazığ Province, FABA 2016, International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, ISBN:978-605-9175-59-3, Page: 378, 3-5 November 2016, Antalya, TURKEY.
Demir,T.,Akgün,H.,Örnekci,G.N.,Uslu,A.A., The Persistence of Ecosystem in Eastern Anatolia: Hydroelectric Power Plants, International Ecology 2016 Adnan Aldemir Symposium, 16-19 May 2016, Kafkas University, Kars,TURKEY.
Demir,T.,Kızak,V., Envıronmental Effects Of Aquaculture. International Ecology 2016 Adnan Aldemir Symposium, 16-19 May 2016, Kafkas University, Kars,TURKEY.
Demirol, F., Yüksel, F., Gündüz, F., Beri, A., Güler, M., Yıldırım, T., 2016. The Stock Assessment of Crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) in the Keban Dam Lake. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FABA), 03-05 November 2016. Antalya, Turkey, s 412.
Gün, A., Dörücü, M., A Study of Endohelminthes in some Fish Species Caught between Kumlutarla- Gemici Regions of Karakaya Dam Lake. 1st International Black Sea Congress on Environmental Sciences (1st IBCESS) Özet Kitapçığı S. 291, 31 Ağustos- 3 Eylül 2016, Giresun, (Poster)
Gün, A., Gündüz, F., Some Populatıon Parameters Of Capoeta Umbla (Heckel, 1843) In Karakaya Dam Lake, International Symposium On Fisheries And Aquatic Science (FABA 2016 ) Özet Kitapçığı S. 382, November 03-05, 2016. Antalya, Turkey, (Poster)
Gündüz, F., Gün, A., Some Population Parameters of Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) in Karakaya Dam Lake. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FABA 2016), November 03-05, 2016. Antalya, Turkey, 411.
Gürçay, S., Köprücü,K., Özgür,M.E., Örnekci,G.N., Demir,T., Uslu, A.A., Arısoy,G., Canpolat,İ.,The Analysis Of Structural And Bio-Technical Aspects Of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Hatcheries İn Elazig And Malatya Provinces, Faba 2016 International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, ISBN:978-605-9175-59-3, Page: 275, 3-5 November 2016, Antalya, TURKEY.
İspir, Ü., Şahin, A.G., Hematological Parameters in Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, After Exposure to Ibuprofen. 1 st International Black Sea Congress on Environmental Sciences, 31 Agust-3 September 2016. Giresun, Turkey,
Özcan, M., İspir, Ü., Şahin, A.G, Effects of Dieeatary Grape Seed Extract Suplementation on Some Biochemical Parameters of Rainbow trout. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 03-05 November 2016. Antalya, Turkey,
Özcan, M., İspir, Ü., Şahin, A.G, Effects of Dieeatary Suplementation of Whey Protein on Biochemical Composition of Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 03-05 November 2016. Antalya, Turkey,
Özgür M.E., Gürçay, S. Computer Assısted Sperm Analysıs (Casa) Of Spermatozoa Motılıty Parameters On Wıld Caught Capoeta Trutta (Heckel, 1843) In The Euphrates Rıver. 2nd International Congress on Applied Ichthyology & Aquatic Environment 10 - 12 November 2016, Messolonghi, Greece.
Saler, S., Çelik, B.,Yüce, S.,2016. Zooplankton of Isıktepe Dam Lake (MADENELAZIĞ). Protection of Biodiversity İn The Conditions Of Urbanızation And Industrialization. İnternational Scientific – Practical Conferance Azerbaycan 146-150
Sünbül M.R., Varol M., Akgün H. Assessment Of Heavy Metal Contamınatıon Degree In Sedıments Of The Keban Dam Reservoır (Turkey) Usıng Pollutıon Indıces, FABA 2016: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Antalya, p.589
Sünbül M.R., Varol M., Akgün H. Determınatıon Of Dıssolved Heavy Metal Concentratıons In The Keban Dam Reservoır FABA 2016: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science Antalya p.591
Şahin, A.G, İspir, Ü., Tepe, R., Comparison of Sex and Size Structure of Capoeta trutta Populations in Ataturk and Karakaya Dam Lakes. 1 st International Black Sea Congress on Environmental Sciences, 31 Agust-3 September 2016. Giresun, Turkey,
Şahin, A.G, Tepe, R., İspir, Ü., The Investıgatıon of Meat Yıeld of Acanthobrama marmid from Karakaya Dam Lake. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 03-05 November 2016. Antalya, Turkey,
Şen, B.,Alp, M.T., Sönmez,. Koçer, M. A. T. Alpaslan, K., Karakaya, G., Monitoring and ProtectionApproaches for Coastal Waters in Turkey.Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS VyazemskyKaradagScientific Station-Natural Reserve of RAS RUSSİON Foundation for Basic Reserarch.Sevastopol,19-24 September, 2016.EKOSI-Gidrofizika.
Tepe, R., Pala, G., Çağlar, M., A Recent Study of the Epilithic Diatoms in the Coastal Area of Lake Hazar, Elazig, Turkey. International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 03-05 Kasım 2016, Antalya.
Varol M., Sünbül M.R. Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments of the Keban Dam Lake (Turkey), International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE'16) March 19-20, 2016, Kilis, p.24
Varol M., Sünbül M.R. Metal Levels In Sediments From The Area Where Effluents of WWTP of Elazığ Discharging Into The Keban Dam Lake 1. International Black Sea Congress on Environmental Sciences (IBCESS) Giresun, TURKEY | August 31 - September 03, 2016
Varol M., Sünbül M.R., Balcı M. Effects Of Fısh Farm Effluents On Epılıthıc Algae Of The Surgu Stream (Malatya) FABA 2016: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Antalya, p.556
Varol M., Sünbül M.R., Balcı M. The Influence Of Fısh Farms On The Sedıment Chemıstry Of The Surgu Stream (Malatya) FABA 2016: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Antalya, p.558
Varol M., Sünbül M.R., Balcı M. Comparıson Of Water Qualıty Parameters In Inlet And Outlet Waters Of A Trout Farm In Surgu Town (Malatya) FABA 2016: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science Antalya, p.590
Varol M., Sünbül M.R., Balcı M. Effects Of Fısh Farm Effluents On Water Qualıty Of The Surgu Stream (Malatya) FABA 2016: International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Science Antalya, p.592
Alkan, S.M., Karaduman, E, San, A.T, Bilici, R, Beri, A, Çalta, M, Dartay Devegeçidi Baraj Gölü'nde (Diyarbakır) Yaşayan
Carassius gibelio
(Blonch, 1782) Türünün Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkisi.M. XIII. Congress of Ecology and Environment with International Participation, 12-0015 September 2017, Edirne, Turkey, p 37.
Alkan, S.M., Gürçay, S., San, A.T., Şahin, A.G., Çatalkaya, M., Occurrence of Ichthyophthirius multililiis in Snow White Cichlid at Aquarium Unit of Elazig Fisheries Research Institute. International Ecology Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey, p 710.
Alkan, S.M., Gürçay, S., Arısoy, G., Vaccination Techniques in Fish. International Ecology Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey, p 842.
Alpaslan, K. Karakaya, G. Gündüz
F. Saler, S.. Koçer, M.A. T. Trophic Level of Tatar Dam Lake., Ecology Symposıum 2017 International Symposium which is going to be held during May 11-13 2017 at Kayseri, Turkey. We look forward to seeing you here in Kayseri. S.852. (Poster)
Alpaslan, K, Karakaya, - Gündüz
F - Şeker T., - Aksağan, Aylin. Tatar Baraj Gölü Su Kalitesinin Derinlikle ve Bölgelere Göre Değişimi. XIII. Congres of Ecology and Environment with International Participation 12-15 September 2017. Edirne, s 621. (Poster)
Alpaslan K., Karakaya, G., Gündüz, F., Örnekçi, G.N., Sünbül, M.R. Surface Water Quality of Tatar Dam Lake. International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, 04-06 October 2017. Eğirdir/Isparta. s 101. (Poster)
Alpaslan, K., Karakaya, G., Gündüz, F., Örnekçi, G.N., Sünbül, M.R. Evaluation of Tatar Dam Lake Water Quality for Trout Culture. 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi 1th International Water Congress. 26-29 Ekim 2017. Afyonkarahisar. s 85 (Poster)
Aydoğdu, S.İ., Özdemir, Y., Socio-Economic Analysis of Employee in Rainbow Trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss
) Farms with Different Capacity in Elazığ Region, I
International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, Page: 238, 4-6 October 2017 Eğirdir/Isparta, Turkey.
Aydoğdu, S.İ., Özdemir, Y., Elazığ Yöresinde Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (
Oncorhynchus mykiss
, (Walbaum, 1792)) Yetiştiriciliği Yapan Farklı Kapasitedeki İşletmelerin Yapısal ve Teknolojik Analizleri. 1
International Water Congress, 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı s: 79. 26-29 October 2017, Afyonkarahisar.
Aydoğdu, S.İ., Özdemir, Y., Elazığ İli'nde Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (
Oncorhynchus mykiss
) Yetiştiriciliği Yapan Farklı Kapasitedeki İşletmelerde Kullanılan İşgücü. 1
International Water Congress, 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı s: 78. 26-29 October 2017, Afyonkarahisar.
Balcı, M., Gündüz F., Birici N., Şeker T., Alpaslan K., Tunceli İli Su Ürünleri Sektörünün Avcılık ve Yetiştiricilik Yönünden İncelenmesi, Trakya Üniv. XIII. Uluslararası Katılımlı Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi Poster Sunumu, 12- 15 Eylül 2017 Edirne.
Balcı, M., Gündüz F., Birici N., Şeker T., Alpaslan K., Investigation of Trout Establishments in the Elazig Province in terms of Health Expenditures and Diseases, International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, Poster Presentation, 04-06 October 2017 Eğirdir/Isparta
Balcı, M., Varol M., Heavy Metal Levels in Mussels from Keban Dam Reservoir (Elazığ, Turkey), International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, Poster Presentation, 04-06 October 2017 Eğirdir/Isparta
Balcı, M., Varol M., Human health risks from heavy metals via consumption of Capoeta trutta from the Keban Dam Reservoir, Turkey ), International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, Poster Presentation, 04-06 October 2017 Eğirdir/Isparta
Balcı, M., Gündüz F., Birici N., Şeker T., Alpaslan K., Elazığ İli Alabalık İşletmelerinin Hijyen Bakımından İncelenmesi, 4. Uluslararası Su Kongresi, Poster Sunumu, 26-29 Ekim 2017, Afyonkarahisar
Bilici, R, Şahin, A.G., Tepe, R., Çoban, Ö., Period of Obtaining Progeny and Life Rate from Catfish (
Silurus glanis
) 'International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Scienc. 26-29 October 2017, Antalya, Turkey, p 97.
Bilici, R, Çoban, Ö.E., Effectson Healty of Fish Oil as Functional Food 8
International Advanced Technologies Symposium, 19-20 October 2017, Elazığ, Turkey, p
Bilici, R, Çoban, Ö.E., Chemical and Sensorial Quality Attributes of Rainbow trout (
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Birici, N., Karakaya, G., Şeker, T., Küçükyılmaz, M., Balcı, M., Özbey, N., Güneş, M. 2017. Evaluation of Coruh River (Bayburt) Water Quality in Accord With Water Pollution Control Regulation, IJPAS, ISSN: 2149-0910, Int. J. Pure Appl. SCI. 3(1): 54-64 (2017).
Birici, N., Karakaya, G., Şeker, T., Küçükyılmaz, M., Balcı, M., Özbey, N., Güneş, M. 2017. Evaluation of Coruh River (Bayburt) Water Quality in Accord With Water Pollution Control Regulation, Uluslararası Ekoloji Sempozyumu, 11-13 Mayıs 2017, Kayseri
Birici, N., Şeker, T., Karakaya, G., Çelik, B., Örnekçi, G.N., Uslu, A.A., 2017. Water Quality of Tuzla and Balıklı Streams, Uluslararası Ekoloji Sempozyumu, 11-13 Mayıs 2017, Kayseri
Birici, N., Örnekçi, G. N., Uslu, A. A., Şeker, T., Çelik, B., Karakaya, G., 2017. Kelkit Çayı (Gümüşhane) Su Kalitesinin İncelenmesi, 1
International Water Congress , 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı, S: 75, 26-29 October 2017, Afyonkarahisar.
Birici, N., Güneş, M., Şeker, T., Alpaslan, K., Tepe, R., Özbey, N., 2017. Akpınar ve Mercan Derelerinin (Erzincan) Su Kalitesinin İncelenmesi, 1
International Water Congress , 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı, S: 74, 26-29 October 2017, Afyonkarahisar.
Canpolat, İ., Dartay, M., Memişoğlu, E., Birici, N. ve Gürçay, S., 2017. The Current State of Fishing Boats Belonging to the Cooperative Members in Keban Reservoir (Elazığ), I
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Çelik, B., Sönmez, F., Karakaya, G., Yüce, S., Örnekci, G.N.,2017. Phytoplankton Composition of Hazar Lake (Elazığ). Ekoloji 2017 Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Mayıs 11-13 2017. Kayseri.
Çelik, B., Saler, S., Karakaya, G., Yüce, S., Özbey, N,., Şeker, T., Hazar Gölü (ELAZIĞ)Zooplanktonunun Coğrafik Bilgi Sistemi İle Değerlendirilmesi. 1
International Water Congress , 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı, 26-29 October 2017, Afyonkarahisar.
Çoban, M.Z., Gündüz, F., Yüksel, F., Demirol, F. Length-Weight Relationships and Condition Factors of Some Fish Species Captured As Non-Target in Crayfish Hunt in Keban Dam Lake. International Ecology Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey. p220.
Demir, T., Özbay, Ö., Kızak, V., Örnekci, G. N., and Alpaslan,K., International Ecology 2017 Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Erciyes University, Scıence Faculty, Kayseri,TURKEY.
Demirol, F., Yüksel, F., Gündüz, F., Çoban, M.Z. Distribution Based on Depth of Turkish Crayfish (
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Eschscholtz, 1823) in the Keban Dam Lake. International Ecology Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey, p119.
Güneş, S., Birici, N., Şeker, T., Özbey, N., Küçükyılmaz, M., 2017. Evaluation of Nazik Lake's Water Quality By Surface Water Quality Regulation, Uluslararası Ekoloji Sempozyumu, 11-13 Mayıs 2017, Kayseri
Gündüz, F., Alpaslan, K., Karakaya, G., Demirol, F., Yüksel, F., Çoban, M, Z., Some Population Parameters of
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Gündüz, F., Çoban, M. Z., Yüksel, F., Alpaslan, K., Demirol, F., Boztepe Recai Kutan Baraj Gölü‟ndeki
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Gündüz, F., Alpaslan, K., Demirol, F., Yüksel, F., Çoban, M.Z. Some Population Parameters of
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Gürçay, S., Köprücü, K., Demir, T., Canpolat, İ., Alkan, S.M. ve Arısoy, G., 2017. The Analysis of Structural and Bio-Technical Aspects of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Hatcheries in Elazığ and Malatya Provinces, IJPAS, ISSN: 2149-0910, Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 3(1): 8-12 (2017).
Gürçay, S., Alkan, S.M., Özgür, M.E., Arısoy, G., Integrated Fisheries Aquaculture Techniques, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey, p 635.
İnanlı A,G., Çoban.Ö,E., Yüce, S., Çelik, B,. ,2017. Yaban Mersini (Blue berry) ve Kurt Üzümü (Gojiberry) Ekstraklarıyla zenginleştirilmiş Kitosan Kaplamanın Gökkuşağı Alabalık (Onchorhyncus mykiss Walbaum 1792) filetolarının soğuk muhafazada mikrobiyolojik değişimlerinin izlenmesi, 1
International Water Congress, 4. Ulusal Su Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı, 26-29 October 2017, Afyonkarahisar.
Karaduman, E., Çalta, M., Dartay, M., Bilici, R., San, A. T., Alkan, S. M., Beri, A. Length-Weight And Length-Length Relationshıps For Mullet (Liza abu Heckel, 1843) in Devegeçidi Dam Lake, South-Eastern Turkey. International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, 04-06 October 2017. Eğirdir/Isparta 139.
Karakaya, G. and Alpaslan, K., Change of Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Depending on Depth in Hazar Lake, 11-13 May 2017, Ecology 2017, Kayseri
Kızak,V., Gürçay,S., Demir,T., Özbay,Ö., Aquaponic System As a Ecological Production Method. International Ecology 2017 Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Erciyes University, Scıence Faculty, Kayseri,TURKEY.
Küçükyılmaz. M. , Şahin, A.G. , Determination of the Conchological Features of Unio elongatulus eucirrs (Bourguignat, 1860) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Living in Karakaya Dam Lake, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2017 (1): s.1-7.
Küçükyılmaz, M., Örnekci, G.N., Uslu, A.A., Özbey, N., Şeker, T., Birici, N., Yıldız, N., Karakaya Baraj Gölü 10. Bölgesinin Yüzeysel Su Kalitesi Yönetimi Yönetmeliği'ne Göre Değerlendirilmesi XIII. Uluslararası Katılımlı Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi, Özet Kitapçığı s.542.,12-15 Eylül 2017 EDİRNE.
Örnekci N.G., Demir, T., Uslu, A.A., Arısoy, G., Danabaş, D. The Structure of Fish Meal and Feeding Strategies of Aquaculture. Uluslararası Ekoloji Sempozyumu, 11-13 Mayıs 2017, Kayseri
Saler, S., Yüce, S., Çelik, B,. Bulut, H., 2017. Hoşrük Çayı (Elazığ-Türkiye) Zooplanktonu. 1
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Sesli, A., Kutlu, B., Sönmez, F., Karakaya, G., Tepe, R., Küçükyılmaz, M., Özbey, N., Karkamış Baraj Gölü Fitoplankton Kompozisyonu/ Phytoplankton Composition of Karkamış Dam Lake. XIII. Congress of Ecology and Environment with International Participation, 12-15 September 2017, Edirne, Turkey, p 43.
Sünbül M.R., Varol M., Organochlorine pesticides, in Euphrates Barbell (Luciobarbus mystaceus) Collected from Keban Dam Reservoir (Elazığ, Turkey). Ekoloji 2017 Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Mayıs 11-13 2017. Kayseri, p.251
Şahin, A.G, Tepe, R., Sesli, A., Küçükyılmaz, M., Anisakiasis and Human Health Effects. International Ecology Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey, p 440.
Şahin, A.G., San, A.T., Gürçay, S., Alkan, S. M., Green Terror (
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Şahin, A.G., Tepe, R., The Adventure of a Leech. VIII. Internatıonal Symposıum on Ecology And Envıronmental Problems, 4-7 October 2017, Çanakkale, Turkey, p 378.
Şahin, A.G.,Tepe, San, A. T., Gürçay, S., Alkan S. M., Green Terror (
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Tepe, R., Şahin, A.G, Sesli, A., Karakaya, G., Küçükyılmaz, M., Modeling of the Environmental Impact of the Cage Culture in Internal Water. International Ecology Symposium, 11-13 May 2017, Kayseri, Turkey, p 685.
Tepe, R., Karakaya, G., Şahin, A.G., Sesli, A., Küçükyılmaz, M., Aksağan, A., Karkamış Baraj Gölü Trofik Durumu / Trophic Situation of Karkamış Dam Lake. XIII. Congress of Ecology and Environment with International Participation, 12-15 September 2017, Edirne, Turkey, p 610.
Tepe, R., Şahin, A.G, Sesli, A., Karakaya, G., Küçükyılmaz, M., Cage Cultural Measures to be Taken for Environmental Effects and Environmental Reduction . VIII. İnternational symposium on ecology and environmental problems, 4-7 October 2017, Çanakkale,Turkey, p 39.
Tepe, R., Saler, S., Bulut, H., Karakaya, G., Şahin, A.G., Sesli, A., Zooplankton Fauna of Karkamış Dam Lake 'International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Scienc. 26-29 October 2017, Antalya, Turkey, p 96.
Varol M., Sünbül M.R. Organochlorine pesticide, antibiotic and heavy metal residues in mussel, crayfish and fish species from a reservoir on the Euphrates River, Turkey. Environmental Pollution, November 2017, Pages 311-319
Varol, M., Kaya Kurt, G., Alp Anık, S., Sünbül, M.R., Trace Metal Levls in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Cultured in Net Cages in a Reservoir and Evaluation of Human Health Risks from Consumption, Biological Trace Element Research, 2017 Sep 19. doi: 10.1007/s12011-017-1156-2
Varol, M., Sünbül, M.R., Comparison of heavy metal levels of farmed and escaped farmed rainbow trout and health risk assessment associated with their consumption,
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Yüksel, F., Cilbiz, M., Demirol, F., Çapkın, K., Bektaş, Z., Gündüz, F. A Comparison of the Size-Composition of the Turkish Crayfish (
Eschscholtz, 1823) Inhabiting Eğirdir Lake vs Keban Dam Lake. International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, 04-06 October 2017. Eğirdir/Isparta 141.
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