We will go through the structural problems and solve them

25.07.2018 / View : 944 / Archive

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli stated that "I will be a minister who listens to all problems, who openly communicates and whose door will be open for everyone. We will go through all structural problems and solve them".

Pakdemirli told to the AA reporter that such an important task as the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry was a great surprise for him as well.

Expressing that the President of Turkey; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had summoned him to Ankara on Sunday night before announcement of the cabinet members, Pakdemirli stated that "I have learned that I would be entitled to such a post after our meeting. It is a great honour but at the same time a huge responsibility. I would like to express my gratitude once more for my President."

Going into politics in the beginning of the year 2000, Pakdemirli underlined that his late father and former minister Ekrem Pakdemirli had desired that one member of the family would deal with politics and chosen himself as the most appropriate one.

Pointing out that his duties and responsibilities increased with the unification of two ministries, Pakdemirli, told as follows:

"The most important part is to establish the system. It is impossible to separate agriculture from forestry. If planned all together, these works will probably be more convenient within a certain period. Services for the citizens can be provided more easily. I will be a minister who listens to all problems, who openly communicates and whose door will be open for everyone. We will go through all structural problems and solve them. Some problems cannot be solved in one day. We shall set certain targets and we shall progress towards these targets. We shall work based on this principle. We will not just tell "there is a problem" and then ignore them. "

"Our people will see me in the bazaar "

Pakdemirli, indicated that he will take more efficient decisions for the public without hiding behind the bureaucracy thanks to the Presidential Government System.

Expressing that he would meet with the producers and consumers in the district bazaars from time to time and would find common solutions for the problems , Pakdemirli told that "Our people will see me in the bazaar."

"We will follow stockpiling with utmost care "

Minister Pakdemirli, stated as follows:

"It is possible to prevent the food inflation with structural reforms and daily tactical moves. In this respect, we will follow stock-piling with utmost care. For instance, the farmers in the Netherlands have their own potato stocks storing system. In Turkey, this is only possible through factories. If we provide our farmers with the ability to keep these stocks in a high quality manner throughout all year, we will be able to create an environment far from speculations concerning the product prices."