
For providing sufficient and healthy food needs of community and increasing animal production and national incomes, the livestock sector in Turkey should be developed parallel with rapid population growth rate. Achieving to national targets in livestock sector is based on improving economic, social and environmental technologies and applying this technologies to producers and industry. Like other fields, in livestock sector this technologies are being improved interior or are being transferred from developed countries.  Due to the differences of our social and economic structure, climatic conditions and soil characteristics, transferring of technologies from developed countries is limited. This situation increases the demand for research. As nowadays, to achieve optimal production levels in agriculture, the role of research and dissemination of technologies will be more important in near future. 

Since the establishment of Republic, there have been many researches carried out and many technologies have been improved about various disciplines of livestock sector relevant to the conditions of our country. Implementation of this improvements has caused significant increases in animal production and our country has reached self-sufficient level in production. However, the rapid population growth and limited agricultural areas forces us to give more importance to researches and improvements. This requirement is not only important for the self-sufficiency of country but it is necessary for increasing national income and improving production to developed countries level as well. By improving its infrastructure and research facilities and in collaboration with other institutions and universities our institute tries to make researches about animal science since its establishment. Our departments are; Agricultural Economy, Animal Breeding, Biometry and Genetics, Feeds and Animal Nutrition, Fisheries, Reproduction and Artificial Insemination and Production.         

Some of our tasks are; improving production levels of cattle, buffaloes, small ruminants and fisheries by making basic and strategic research studies; improving the quality of wool and fleece; feeds production and animal feeding; protection of animal genetic resources; organic animal breeding; animal welfare and housing; socio-economic researches; collecting and evaluating data which are obtained from studies; using  biotechnological methods in animal husbandry by improved laboratory facilities; making trainings; providing literature and publications.        

The entire country is within the scope of our national tasks. Provinces related to our regional tasks are:  Balıkesir, Bursa, Bilecik, Çanakkale, Sakarya, Kocaeli, Tekirdağ, Kırklareli, Edirne, Manisa, İzmir, Aydın, Denizli and Muğla. 

The aim of the institute is making multi-disciplinary studies to solve the problems of livestock sectors in collaboration with related institutions, private sectors and universities with the help of modern knowledge and technologies. ​