Oilseed Crops Unit

Safflower is a drought-resistant annual crop having different ways of use. In our country, research on this crop was initiated at Eskisehir Sazova Plant Breeding Station in 1930. As a result of these studies, Yenice and Dincer varieties were registered while the line no. 5-154 has been given seed production permit. Despite long years' research on breeding and agronomy of safflower, breeding program was ended in 1988 due to its failure to create the expected demand in Turkish agriculture. The Institute continued its efforts with genetic stock renewal and multiplication of breeder seed. Breeding research was re-started in 2000, considering the national demands, and line 5-154, which previously had seed production permit, was registered with the name RemziBey-05. Thanks to the ongoing breeding program of the Institute, Balcı, which is superior to existing varieties in terms of oil content, was registered in 2011. The main objective of the safflower breeding research at Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute is to develop varieties meeting demands by producers, consumers and industrial end-users. Selection, Crossing and Mutation methods are being used in these breeding efforts.

National  Opium Poppy  Breeding  Project was started in 1985, more than 2500 entries were tested at different stages (observation nurseries, preliminary yield trials and yield trials).  Consequently 2 varieties with morphine contents over  0.5 % were registered in 1995 with names of  Kemerkaya-95 and Anayurt-95. Additionally, a crossing program was started in 1992. Crossing program aimed at higher morphine and thebaine contents were conducted at our institute between 2003 and 2007. As a result of these studies, ın 2009  two lines with high morphine and tebaine content were registered with the names of Tınaztepe and Zaferyolu. Furthermore,ın 2011 two lines were registered with the names of Ömürcan and İzzetbey, in 2013 Çelikoğlu, Hüseyinbey and Seyitgazi were registered.  The objective of the project is to develop opium poppy varieties with higher capsule and seed yields, higher morphine and thebaine contents, better resistance to insects and diseases and better tolerance to cold than existent varieties .