Poultry Production and Feeding Department
Turkey Stud Chicken Breeding Project-II. Meat Type Stud Breeding
The project is carried out to obtain meat type chicken in Turkey. This will contribute significantly to the national economy through reducing foreign dependency. The aim is to get broiler hybrid via crossing of pure lines provided from abroad. A study based on research and application on stud chicken raising was planned.
With this project;
- Foreign exchange loss will be prevented and a sector to get foreign exchange
will be formed.
-Control of hybrids provided from abroad and comparison of these with local hybrids will be conducted.
-Foreign origin diseases will be minimized.
-Export opportunities, especially to Middle East and Turkish Republics of hybrids bred in our country will arise.
Breeding Purposes in Application
Breeders plan breeding applications suitable to future market demands. Because of continuous changes in production and consumption trends, they adapt breeding purposes to these changes. The trend in global level since 1950 showed a change as follows;
- Broiler development characteristic was applied as the primary selection feature. Selection application for this feature has wide range of field in terms of meeting high costs of total meat production due to high heritability.
- There is a significant demand for increase of white meat (brisket) production. Because consumers tend to find brisket more delicious increasingly (Especially Europe).
- In addition, an increasing importance is emerging in efficiency factors. While the most important parameter is feed efficiency in broiler production, productivity is discussed in the foreground in integrated production practices.