Ongoing projects
I. Breeding and Genetics
1.Eastern Black Sea Region Fruit Genetic Resources Research (Sub-Project Hazelnut Genetic Resources Project)
2.Eastern Black Sea Region Fruit Genetic Resources Research (Sub-Project Karayemiş (Prunus laurocerasus L.) Genetic Resources Project)
3.Fat Hazelnut Clone Selection II
4.Storage and persimmon Genetic Characterization Study II
5.Nuts in Turkey and Slovenia (C.avell L.) and Attribution Analysis of Genetic Diversity (2805 TUBITAK-ARRS Bilateral Cooperation Program)
6.Clone Selection of Çakıldak Nut type in Ordu
7.Hazelnut pollinator type Election Studies (sub-project: Selection of new pollinator type Nut type)
8.New Diesel showing differences in methods Three Nuts type Leaf Angle Terms Time Using Transcriptome Analysis (TUBITAK)
II. Growing Techniques
1.Effect of fruit load on the Periodicity in the nuts and Giberellic Acid Applications
2.Boron fertilization of the Central Black Sea Basin Effects on Yield and Yield Components of Hazelnut Grown Plants in the Region
3.Determination of Corylus L. rootstocks colurn on Yield and Quality of Grafted plump and Palaza Hazelnut Cultivars
III. Plant Health
1.Hazelnut Gardens in May Böceği problem with the [(Melolontha spp.) (Coleoptera: Scarabeida A)] Investigation of Biological Control Against some of the preparation Opportunities
2.Investigation of nuts in the Fight of Cotanak Blight Disease Caused by Botrytis cinerea Facilities
3.Kiwi Territorial Integrated Pest Management Project (Sub-projects: the Eastern Black Sea kiwi Integrated Pest Management Project)
IV. Food Technology
1.Selection of the Black Sea region Chemical Properties of Selected Results of Investigating Karayemiş Type Investigation of molasses in the production and drying Compliance
2.Investigation of Hazelnut Chips Production Facilities
VI. Ground-Water Resources
1) Applicability and Investigation of the Effects on the Quality System of Machine Hazelnut Drying System
VII. Projects Supported by the Hazelnut Promotion Group
1.Some Retardant Applications for protection of the Volumes leaf buds in spring nuts Don
2.Certified Saplings Transition Project Hazelnut
3.Skunk is nuts [(Palomena prasina L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)] Investigation of the Effect of Different Methods of Combating Terrorism
3.Establishment of Hazelnut Research Station Tissue Culture Laboratory Infrastructure
4.Determining the type of pollinator of fruits and nuts in Interior Impact on