Ethical Rules Towards Activities
- The compliance with rights and law is essential.
- Discrimination (gender, language, religion, race, creed, etc.) can not be done.
- Accuracy, honesty and transparency are essential.
- Private life and personal preferences are respected.
- Continuity of activities and actuality are considered.
- Philanthropy, tolerance, kindness and respect in terms of relationship are essential.
- Authority
and responsibilities, job descriptions and job distribution are comment not
openly, coherent, obvious, in black
and white.
- Public goods and resources can not be used irrelevant in public interest and service requirements.
- Accountability
is a prerequisite for hold responsible.
Ethical Rules Towards Management
- The Directorate of Institute is an example on the development of corporate culture.
- The Directorate of Institute builds good relationships with all stakeholders.
- The
principle of neutrality in management and fair approach are essential.
- Decisions taken impartially and independently are provided.
- Participatory approach in the activities and decisions is treated.
- Conflicts
of interest, personal and private interests are avoided.
- Effort and the rights of the owner information are respected.
- Successful efforts are appreciated.
- Manager gives support to staff in their work and share the responsibility.
- Constructive measures will be taken for the personel do not contribute to the activities and services.
- Occupational fanaticism is not done.
Ethical Rules Towards Employees
- The personnel knows their responsibilities and fulfill the need for the right time.
- Maximum attention for working hour is shown.
- Good intentions in relations between employees are essential.
- Managers and employees listen to each other.
- Employees can communicate with the highest levels required by following the hierarchy.
- There is a ambiance that employees at all levels can easily say their thoughts and problems and taken into account.
- Managers and employees listen to each other.
- Employees can communicate with the highest levels required by following the hierarchy.
- Employees can not be approached prejudicial and are given the opportunity to show itself.
- Constructive approach shown in correcting mistakes and shortcomings of the employees.
- Personal / occupational development and training is provided on equal terms for employees.
- Career development and promotion is in compliance with the merit principle.
- Motivation enhancing works are done.
- The performance of the employees are rewarded.
- Employees must not be in the behavior will damage other employees.
- Employees for institutions are felt that it is valuable and important.
- Employees benefit from the offered opportunities in a fair way.
- The physiological and psychological health of employees is provided as adversely not affected.
- Social events for employees is given importance.