
Narbon Vetch


Registered year:  2002


The Owner Institute of Variety: Central Research Institute for the Field Crops 


Morphological Characters:

Main stem length is 36.5-72.9 cm. It grows erect.  Thousand seed weight is between 223.1 g and 307.0 g. 


Agricultural Characters:

Numbers of days to flowering and  physiological maturity are 161-220 days and 195 - 241 days, respectively. Seeding rate is 18-20 kg per decar. It’s primarily produced for grain. 


Yield Characters:

Biological and seed yields are  291.7-719.2 kg da-1 and 82.9-301.5 kg da-1, respectively. Means of biological and seed yields  are 412.9 kg da-1 and 151.5 kg da-1, respectively.  


Technological Characters:

Crude protein is 28-30% in the content of  grain.  


Recomended Area:

This variety is winter forage crop for Central Anatolia Region and similar locations.