


Registered Year:  1980


The Owner Institute of Variety: Central Research Institute for the Field Crops 


Morphological Characters:

The length of main stem is 50-80 cm and it grows erect. Every leaf forms  4-10 pair leaflets with serrated edges laying mutual on a stalk. Leaflets are green, grayish green, bright silvery color that shape as ellipsoid, egg and heart. Flowers are on the button shaped kömeç at the end of flower handle. Fruits are egg shaped, 4 angular, longitudinal winged. Fruit color changes from light brown to dark brown. Thousand seed weight is 13.53 gram.


Agricultural Characters:

Burnet is perennial, but it’s not long life as alfalfa and it’s not short life as sainfoin, Its life time is generally changed from 5  to 10 years. The plant remains the green color until the middle of October, as  it’s not adequate rainfall in July, August, September. It also stays the green color up to -7oC. The first cutting is performed for green herbage in the first week of May, and second cutting can be done a month later. 


Yield Characters:

Green herbage yield  of two cuttings is 800 kg da-1 under semiarid conditions of Central Anatolia. It trends yield decrease in the following seasons as  50%, and 75%,  in the second and the third seasons, respectively. 


Technological Characters:

The percentages of crude protein, crude fiber, crude oil, crude ash, and  nitrogen free extract substances are 10.5%, 18.5%, 3.0%, 9.2%, 8.5%, in the content of green herbage, respectively.


Disease and Pets Status:

It’s resistant to powdery mildew, flattening virus, Sphenoptera carceli, Scopigera scop ve Alternaria tenus.


Recomended Area:

This variety is recommended to be grown for Central Anatolia Region and similar places.