


Registered Year:  2003


The Owner Institute of Variety: Central Research Institute for the Field Crops 


Morphological Characters:

Main stem length varies from 50 to 105 cm. It grows erect. Thousand seed weight is between 14 and 18 gram.


Agricultural Characters:

This variety is planted at the spring period in the Central Anatolia Region and sown as 5-6 kg/da. Its resistance to winter and drought is high. Number of days to flowering changes  from 141 to 58 days. It’s resistant to lodging.


Yield Characters:

Average yield hay and green herbage under the conditions of Central Anatolia are 335 kg da-1  and 1215 kg da-1, respectively.  Only one cutting is possible to perform in a year. Its seed yield ranges from 30 to 60 kg da-1.


Technological Characters:

The content of crude protein in hay varies between 13% and 15%.


Disease and Pets Status:

Its resistance to powdery mildew is moderate level. 


Recomended Area:

This variety is  grown under the conditions of the Central Anatolia Region, Transition Zone and similar places.