Winter Red Lentil
Registrated Year: 2001
Variety of organization: Central research institute for field crops
Morphological characteristics:
Plant height 22-30 cm,
first pod height 11-15 cm
erect growth habit
Agricultural properties:
winter and early
tolerant to cold
susceptibility to heat,
days to 50% flowering 219-232
days to maturity 264-268
Efficiency features: yield 150-195 kg/da
Technological features:
1000 grain weight 36.7 gr
grain shell color : Brown
cotyledon color : red
56 % of 4.5mm screening analysis of the particles, remained above 35% of the 4 mm sieve.
Disease and Pest Status: There is no limit yield of disease
Recommended Regions: Central Anatolia Region and the Transition Zones