14.10.2021 / View : 65 / Archive

Potato Research Institute Performed a Field Day in Nigde, the Capital of Potatoes…

Institute harvested ONARAN2015, NAM, LEVENTBEY, MURATBEY, NIGSAH and SARUHAN varieties on the field day with the Nigde Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry.

On the field day, Nigde Deputy Governor, Cemil KILINC; Nigde Special Provincial Administration Provincial General Assembly President, Nusret TEKSIN; Nigde Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Director, Asım BAS; Nigde Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Faculty Dean, Professor Mehmet Emin CALISKAN; Nigde Chamber of Agriculture President, Veli KENAR; Farm Agricultural Chamber President Arif DINCSOY; Nigde Provincial Population and Citizenship Director, Huseyin SINAN; the Mayor of Alay Town, Sefa EROL; Yesilgolcuk Martyr Recep TEKTAS Multi-Program Anatolian High School Manager, Muharrem YENEL; several agriculture program students, technical personnel of Potato Research Institute, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, several press members and producers.

The Institute Director, Ugur PIRLAK, gave a speech and he said "As a result of the breeding studies, Potato Research Institute has carried out so far, we have brought 10 local and national potato varieties to the country's agriculture. The Institute R&D studies are still continuing. The yield of the institute's 6 varieties, which are trial planted in Nigde soil, is quite satisfactory. The institute got a yield at least 4 tons per decare from the institute varieties. The final result will be determined as a result of the weighing at the end of the harvest. However, the varieties have the highest adaptation to this region."

Deputy Governor of Nigde, Cemil KILINC, said, " Agricultural workers from other provinces come and work during the harvest period and earn their living. When we look at it in this sense, the potato is a strategic product for the city. The institute is a big gain to increase both the yield and the quality of potatoes. It makes trial plantings and harvests in the province. This will reduce our country's dependence on foreign sources. We, as a country, will become completely self-sufficient in the long run. The seeds we develop become more productive, high-quality products for our geography, climate, soil construction. In this sense, we go one step further every year. I congratulate the institute staff for their successful work." made statements.

Afterwards, the demonstration area was visited with the participants, and examinations and evaluations were made about the local and national potato varieties.

Our varieties received full marks from the participants with their allures and performances. We would like to thank the producers Kahraman EROL and Hacı Emin EROL who contributed to the field day, Nigde Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Alay Town Municipality, Nigde Chamber of Agriculture, the farmers, the members of the press who never left us alone, and all the participants.