Warm Cimate Cereals Section
By starting breeding studies in our Institute, Maize Breeding studies started in Turkey in 1950.
Researches which are carried out in our institute included to form studies of gene source which enrich maize genetic search, hybrid and compozit variety breeding studies and improve the country seed organization will contribute and high yield, resistant to disease in different using aimed project.
Temperate Cereals Section
Marmara Region Temperate Cereals Studies, conducted by our Directory, contribute to the economy of the region and the country by developing new agricultural technics and cultivars that agronomically suoerior, having higher yield and quality and resistant to diseases, pests and lodging in East and South Marmara and West Black Sea Regions.
A total of 34 wheat varieties were registered. A franchise of the private sector with these varieties available to farmers are given as of today.
Vegetable Section
Arıcan-97, released in 1999 by Sakarya Maize Research Institute, improved from population which was constituted by locally collected materials in 1989.
Directorate of 1999 the registrant be Arıcan-97 Chestnut Pumpkin varieties protection of genetic characteristics and using iterative selection methods with the aim to increase the homozygous rate, inbreeding done and inbred lines from plants, seed monitoring and fruit analysis is performed. Materials found suitable areas (Sakarya and Pamukova) seeding with seeds obtained from the harvested product are continued taking the form reserved.
Legume Section
Studies on dry beans in our institute introduced in 1973, National Legumes Research Project has started in the framework of the line in 1990 derived from the selected population from the Southern Marmara Region has been registered with the Sahin-90 name.
Current activities under the national project in the Marmara Region Bean Breeding Research continues in the form.
Quality Laboratory
Since its inception in 2008, Quality Laboratory, 2011-2012 are fully operational as of history. In the first stage materials Branch Directorate of Wheat Dry Matter material, MSDS, hectoliters, with 1000, Zeleny SDS Protein analysis is performed.
Our office, in territorial terms, the corn plant, because it is also the coordinator, making the corn grain quality analysis is necessary. As of the year 2012 "determining the quality characteristics of national maize breeding material" was launched to analyze the prepared project. With this project, carried out under national maize breeding research project, in addition to corn breeding material properties such as yield and disease resistance, it aimed to determine the state of technological quality properties. For these purposes; national maize trial of the candidates in kind (1000-g using an example) moisture, test weight, 1000 grain weight, protein, starch and fat content and institutes In developed inbred lines from breeding programs (using the example of 200-gram): moisture, protein, of starch and oil content are analyzed. The breeding material in this step, and to reveal the quality characteristics, the quality is assisting in the determination of high range and developed.
Silage Quality Laboratory
This is our project; silage yield, and to improve the quality, together with the development of suitable varieties, the proliferation of high-quality silage corn varieties in a limited number of our country, which can enrich the maize genetic resources are objectives such as the creation of germplasm.
Observation components of the seed certification test registration offices, as determined, corn on the technical regulations, according received and evaluated. Some of these flowering time, plant height, number of ears per plant, leaf stem ratio, are components such as green plant yield. Received samples in our office, established in 2011 in silage quality laboratory, began to be analyzed. Quality analyzes performed respectively dry matter content, dry matter yield, ADF, NDF, ADL, raw cellulose, hemi cellulose and crude is ashes.