

REGISTRATION YEAR: As winter barley developed by hybridization works in 2011.
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS: The spike is two-rowed, loose and with long awns. The plant height is 80-55 cm. The grain is white yellow large and homogen.
AGRICULTURAL CHARACTERS: The variety is very early. The resistance to winterkilling is very good. The plant height is medium short, so it has resistance to lodging. It has high grain yield and Genetic yield potential is about 5500-7000 kg/ha. It is suitable for growing on fertile soils and flat areas in Trakya region. Favorable planting rate is between 450-500 g seeds/m2 and nitrogen fertilization is about 120-150 kg/ha pure N.
PATHOLOGY CHARACTERS: It has tolerant to powdery mildew, leaf rust and root rots. It has tolerant to net blotch and loose smut and, to barley stripe diseases.
GRAIN QUALITY: The grain quality for food is good. The mass of 1000 grains is about 37-41 g, volumic mass of grain 64-70 kg, and protein contend 10-13%. First class grain (above 2.5+2.8 mm) is between 64-74%.